iOS / iPadOS signature: How can I format and add images?

The signatures of my email default app have a picture and the font is in Calibri (I added the font via AnyFont). I remember years ago, setting them up using Spark or AirMail, they allowed to have format and it was an easy copy-paste and then doing undo to get them formatted and with pictures.

I purchased an iPhone 13, transferred the data from the old phone, no problem with the signatures, they are perfect. However I also got an iPad mini that I decided to set up as new. I have installed the Calibri font with AnyFont, used Spark, copying from an old email and doing the “undo” trick to have the format. It is not working. I have tried also copying it from the Mac… but no… impossible :confused:

When I paste the signature, the picture appears when but when I open an email to send a new one, it disappears. Returning to the signature set up shows that it magically disappeared. Complementary, when I paste my signature in Calibri font and do the undo trick, it does not show Calibri, but another font…

Does anyone have any light on what I can do to have my signatures? A solution is to use Spark but I really would like this to work because I prefer the default mail app… Thank you.


Use Airmail signature, then the undo trick and it worked. :slightly_smiling_face:
Spark or other software does not work for this.

The universe is trying to tell you: if you format your email signature in a custom font, every recipient who hasn’t that font installed will see it differently. I don’t have Calibri on my Mac, so your signature won’t be shown in Calibri. On my Windows laptop, I have Calibri.