iPhone Homescreens!

There’s always one weirdo …


Here’s mine.
Some things are there just to keep other things where they belong.

SURELY iOS 13 (thirteen, mind you) will stop this crowd up to the left madness where my apps switch from one thumb to the other just because I removed or added something.

My “off the beaten path” apps:

  • Onkyo HF Player for playing high-def audio purchased from HDtracks on my…
  • Bose Connect for switching my QC-35s between devices (really wish they supported more than two connections at once)
  • Lightning bolt is the companion app for bullet journaling.
  • Weird connected blue dots thing is TheBrain


I’ve got a row of shortcuts, followed by a row with apps I use in the car (plus Hours to remind me to use it), then a row of things I do on my iPhone 6, which is greatly reducing these days.

Commonly used apps are in folders at the bottom, and work email is in a folder on the second screen - commonly used, but this reduces the reflex to open it (and I have a server-side rule to move all incoming mail out of the inbox, so Apple’s Mail app never nags me about them, but can still access the account).

Pixelated “Text CM” icon is a Siri Shortcut that opens a text message to my girlfriend. (iPhone 7+)

Breaker is a podcasting app that I like a lot, and now use instead of Overcast. Though I sometimes use Overcast when driving because Breaker doesn’t have a CarPlay app.

I do that “Blank Tile” trick to get the homescreen to look like that, which I did a few weeks ago, and I turn off all notifications and badges except for Phone and Messages.

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My home screen and second screen


Is this using the method with the picup app, or some other technique?

Home Screen, almost the same since the iPhone 3g… I always fancy changing it but I’m used to it and I mainly spotlight to start apps… :slight_smile:

and the second screen (apps outside the folders are apps I somehow want to test or just downloaded and still have to decide what to do with them)

Wallpaper from this site

MacSparky, you are my hero! Like the simplicity, LOVE the quote! I live that phrase every day. :+1:t2::+1:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::innocent::sunglasses:

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Here’s my homescreen on my iphone 8.


iPhone 7 Plus - one screen only pretending to be minimal.

I used a Shortcut I found somewhere online… maybe on here actually? Here it is: iCloud Siri Shortcut Link


Disregard the email badge count.:grinning:


Aggggh! My eyes!
There are things we cannot unsee. :wink:


Productivity on the front (with exception of family photos), entertainment and fun on the back.

Hello, my name is Nikki alias bacigirl. I have a app problem…


Here is my main screen, dedicated to apps I use most frequently.

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Holy moly. I … just wow.


I feel like we are somehow obligated to find out where you live and stage an intervention.

I mean, at that point, why even have the badge enabled?


Lovin’ some of those minimalist screens… that’s really nice. Remind me that I don’t really need to see all the apps in the first page. But habits die hard, really and sometimes it is comforting to reach out and tap to launch (vs Spotlight). However, I see those who put Drafts in their Dock and I keep on thinking - these are power users! I just don’t get Drafts and I have listened to the podcast.