iPhone Overheat

Is anyone else having issues with their iPhone 15 Pro getting excessively hot? I feel like it’s often warm, but it gets HOT in my pocket when connected to wireless CarPlay. If it’s connected to CarPlay and charging, I often get the “your phone has stopped charging until the temp comes down” message. This did NOT happen with my iPhone 14 Pro or any previous phone I’ve used in the same fashion.

My 14 Pro has seemed hot on CarPlay lately. Since 17.3, perhaps.

The only times I have had iPhones overheat is when using CarPlay, although this hasn’t happened with my 15 Pro. I believe it has usually happened in the summer as well. I always just figured the car is to warm, or it was getting hit by the sun making it worse.

I have noticed my 15 Pro gets quite hot during normal charging, but not to the point of shutting down.

This has happened to me with every version of 17. It also happened all winter so I don’t think it’s environmental. It did NOT happen in the summer with my iPhone 14. In other words, it does seem to be the (or at least my) iPhone 15. I wonder if AppleCare+ could get me a replacement :thinking:

Just curious, how long will it go on CarPlay before it shuts down? I rarely go more than 45 minutes in the car and my 15 Pro has not shut down in that amount of time.

Are you using a case, could it be insulating the phone too well? Doubtful, just brainstorming.

I drove for nearly 4 hours yesterday With a 5 minute stop after 2 hours with my phone (iPhone 14 Pro Max) connected to CarPlay playing podcasts and giving Apple Maps Directions with no issues.

My phone rarely gets warm. I keep it in an Apple Leather case at all times.

Great questions. It doesn’t ever actually shut down. If I leave it in my pocket I notice it gets hot. If I charge it, it gets hot and I get the “stopped charging for now” message, but it never actually shuts down. It heats up pretty quickly. I have a short drive to work ~20 minutes and it will get hot very soon into my drive.

No case.

This has only happened to me on my iPhone 15 Pro. I’ve had wireless CarPlay since 2018 and I’ve had the new iPhone model (X, XS, then Pro) every year I’ve had wireless CarPlay with no issues until the 15.

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All I can say is very recently I picked up my iPhone 15 Pro while charging (which I don’t usually do), and I noticed it was very warm. Warm enough that I noticed it, but not to the point it had stopped charging or I felt the need to do anything. I will have to check it more often and see if happens again.

Yes, same issue for me. But definetely not new. I always thought it was related to the wireless charger in my car (BMW)

I would have inconsistent / intermittent issues with my iPhone 12 Pro getting hot enough to stop charging when plugged in to CarPlay. (That’s plugged in both for the charge and the CarPlay connection, nothing wireless.) I seem to recall reading somewhere that CarPlay is known for causing phones to heat up.

I also periodically have CarPlay cause the head unit of my 2016 Accord to crash, sometimes spectacularly (even causing the fuel efficiency tracker to go away). But I never saw any correlation to that and the phone heating up.


I found my iPhone 15 Pro Max warm to the touch the other day after changing, but it was after last week’s iOS update. Now it’s back to normal.

Not so sure about how CarPlay works, but if the phone is blasting a bitmap through wireless to the car dashboard, well that doesn’t seem like the phone is exactly idling. Also, consider that using the phone in a car is heavily impacted by the weather conditions when you are driving and the placement of the device, if it’s below the windshield glass it’s going to get warm anyway here in Spain.

Yes, I agree that in general CarPlay would make the phone hotter than if it were idling. Again my point is that the iPhone 15 Pro gets hot where no previous iPhone has. There’s something about my iPhone 15 Pro that is making it get hotter than what I’ve ever experienced.

Maybe the car’s interface with the phone has some affect as well? I don’t know how it works, but there were little differences in CarPlay when I went from a Honda to a VW (and some bugs). I can’t remember what the difference were now but I remember when I got the VW noticing it and thinking how odd it was because I had thought CarPlay would have been identical no matter what the car.

I have one bug that has happened across several phones, but the same car. Sometimes my CarPlay’s sound gets disabled and I have to switch it to radio and then back to CarPlay. This happened since day one with this car (4 years ago) and still happens to this day. So across one car, four phones, and four iOS versions. Point being, some cars might be causing the phone to get warmer than others.