iPhone SE (2020 edition) 64 or 128GB

What are best practices to consider and good questions to ask around choosing capacity when choosing a new iPhone? And what about adding AppleCare?

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Generally I would recommend getting the most storage you can afford. As for AppleCare plus, it’s an interesting discussion at this price point vs for a $1200 phone. Is it the same price for this device?

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Personally, I’d go for 128GB, gives you more headroom. But, your mileage may vary, so if you’ve been fine with 64GB on your last phone and do not expect to take a lot of videos or keep lots of media files and games on your phone, you’ll be fine with 64.

As for Apple Care, it depends on how you treat your devices. I’d calculate how many damages you had on your devices during the last several years and whether you would have benefitted from having AppleCare. For me personally, I do not purchase it for iPhones as I’ve never dropped my caseless iPhone in a way that resulted in damage. Calculate how much Apple Care would cost over, say, 4 years and think about whether the cost is actually worth it vs. paying full for a damage. Also, consider if you could spend the money it would require to get your device repaired at any time or if you feel better paying more upfront and knowing that a repair will cost less. Also, there is a possibility to pay monthly for Apple Care for as long as you’d like. Just keep in mind how long it makes financial sense to continue paying.

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For my clients, I ask them what their current iPhone storage is, how much is used, and if they think their usage is likely to change in the future (bearing in mind that image and video sizes are increasing). And in some cases, we look at if they prefer to run their devices into the ground or whether they update more frequently (if the latter, then the wrong decision isn’t so bad).

Similar consideration for Apple Care. If they have young kids, then buy it. Kids destroy iPhones (most parents hand their phone over to a kid to keep 'em occupied at some point). If they’re careful with their belongings, then Apple Care is not a good deal. But if they’re nervous or hard on their belongings, it’s worth it.

For both questions, I don’t want my clients to purchase a device that has limitations that they have to manage. If they’re spending this amount of money, they should be able to use the device without restriction and worry. But what causes restriction or worry varies widely.

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I’d really to grab the 128 unless you have so little on your phone. If you’re currently using at least say 40gb, I’d jump to 128.

@drfierce @speedmaster @Sylvan @margaretamartin Thank you very much for your guidance and insights. I chose a 128GB and will pass on AppleCare and insurance as I am sole and mindful user.

Be well and stay healthy

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