ISO iPad mirroring solution (with remote control)

I do long-distance tech support for an elderly relative on the other side of the world. After much trial and error, we settled on TeamViewer to control the remote Mac and that is working just fine.

We were using screen mirroring on the iPhone & iPad so that I could at least see the remote iOS screens on the remote Mac and give clear instructions like, “Tap on settings – it’s the gear icon on the upper left of the screen. Now scroll down a little… Stop. Tap the third icon which says General…” This setup is better than nothing but less than ideal because I have to rely on the relative for all input.

I finally got all of the remote devices updated to current versions of their respective OS-es, so I should be able to control the remote iPhone using the iPhone Mirroring app (I haven’t had a chance to do this yet with the remote setup, but I have tested it using my own Macs and iPhone and it seems to work as expected).

Is there any comparable solution for the iPad? Like is there an iPad Mirroring app? Alternatively, can the iPhone Mirroring app work with iPads too?

FWIW, I tried setting up universal control so that the remote Mac can control the remote iPad, but it doesn’t solve the problem because there doesn’t seem to be a way for me to see the screen of the remote iPad with TeamViewer. A SideCar-style setup doesn’t help me either because that just turns the iPad into another display for the Mac.