It’s situations like this that make me reevaluate Evernote…for a possible return

I really did not need to see this today! :unamused:

I left EN years ago but it was so good managing everthing until I got “shiny object syndrome” with DT (not that DT is bad) but I did feel so organised when I was all in on EN.

But now at $160AUD… sheesh!

EDIT: Discount requested! :man_shrugging:

  1. For some odd reason, Evernote works seamlessly with Outlook.
  2. Third-party apps are no longer an option for me.
  3. Devonthink is nice but needs maintenance as well as storage.

As much as I wish Evernote improved, it still remains a tool I own subscribe

Going back to using Evernote, as far as I can tell right now, means that you’re going to be copying every note manually.

I just tried and that was the only way I could find.

Selecting an import folder containing HTML files from Bear resulted in every note having an HTML attachment and the correct title.

I have no enex files and the Legacy version is not available anymore.

I like Bear 2.0 but the only reason I am trying Evernote again is because it feels like I’m looking at a train wreck in progress and I can’t look away nor figure out why there aren’t any import options.

As far as I can tell, evernote will only import txt files or an enex backup. I’ve tried every form of permutation possible and all it will do is attach the file. This goes for RTF, MD, HTML.

I remember Evernote importing everything. This really is a shock. How are people supposed to get stuff into Evernote if it only attaches?

Importing said files as a .zip, as per Evernote’s instructions, gives you a notebook with a note with the zip attached. The contents are not imported.

That’s great to hear, you’ve inspired me to have a look at it again! Hopefully you can avoid the shiny new object trap we all fall in to after a while, that seems to be the biggest hurdle.

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If I recall correctly, I remember the earlier days of MPU when Evernote was the darling and DT the new kid on the block. And now we have a slew of “wannabes” and “ne’er-do-wells” as information management apps. :wink:

And yet here we are discussing the OG again.

Warms the heart! :heart:


I had to “scan” a 19 page manually annotated contract into a PDF with my iPhone yesterday. Turns out EN has a free high quality image to PDF scan tool. Saved my bacon and my wallet from having to buy yet another app or subscription. Welcome back!

Yeah, remembering Evernote also has Scannable was the cherry on top. It’s the only scanning app I’ve used that doesn’t lighten/darken/distort the image in someway.

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The export (to XML as well) and offline archiving options are pretty robust, which can’t be said for a lot of software that I consider less “serious”. I think it’s a very mature, feature-rich product t that never will willingly leave.

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I’ll dive further into my Evernote fandom, if anyone is considering the benefits:

I’ve used it for biz and personal use for about 10 years, paid, and I never have regretted the expense. Plus, now that I’ve invested so much time, I don’t ever want to think about reformatting and moving things to a new app that may or may not be better in the long run.

I have several businesses that I use it for. For my consulting work, I have a Notebook (their term, it’s sort of like a Folder on a Mac) for each client. Within those, I have individual Notes for different tasks for each client: call notes may be one, a more involved project may be another. So having a more file/folder-like structure feels like a more mature product to me.

I like that you can format the text in so many ways, and somewhat elegantly - if you wish to take the time. I’m a graphic designer and I appreciate being able to tweak how things look.

But the formatting also has many practical features: being able to do nested bullet points is my thing for keeping structured notes, and it’s been the best app for me to do that.

Also, that you can create spreadsheet-like tables within the notes has been useful at times. You could also attach a Numbers or Excel file, if you’d like to just store (and view, I believe - just the editing would require you to work outside the app).

I am constantly adding reference screengrabs and inspirational images for mood boards, and they display within complex text notes really usefully and cleanly.

Plus, I am often researching stock music, and I can save the ones I like as listenable sound files within EN. This saves me time to preview in-app, instead of clicking links to web pages , where I then have to press a play button or do a little searching.

Also, that you can view pdf’s inside the note, or conversely, just store the pdf as an attachment that you can quick-view if you don’t want it taking up as much real estate.

The linking to other Notes within the app is also a huge power user feature to me. I cross-reference and link to notes in almost every note. This is huge when you have a lot of notes like me (I’m at 3,823). And so it makes complex structures more achievable. Especially if you’re building handbooks for reference in the future.

And they make creating Table of Contents pages super simple and part of the design.

Additionally, that they offer both a Mac app (my go-to) but ALSO a website app (and iOS/iPad) that basically all work together if you even need it.

It’s the above features (and new ones that they seem to add at a decent clip), sometimes ones I didn’t realize I needed until they integrated them. In my experience, they have not rested on their laurels - in terms of the balance of offering new features but also keeping things fairly stable.

So I DON’T really use it as the dumping ground that others do - though that’s a valid use case for some, certainly.

If anyone ever is considering it, or has a question about certain use cases: I’d enjoy helping them figure out if it’s worth it for them. For me, it’s been a no-brainer! And no: I’ve never worked for them and my job is not as an EN consultant. Just a happy user!

And I enjoy test-driving so many types of software (for my businesses and personal uses) and often research new ones as they are available, so it took me time to settle on this solution for me.


This is a great read, thanks. Probably my questions are basic for you:

What do you think of the future of the app with the sale in general, and in addition, all their AI stuff regarding Privacy of your sensitive information?

Can you open a file and edit it 9i.e. numbers doc) and it re-saves the file?

Is it still only one notebook stack with notebooks (2 levels) and how do you get around that organisation?

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I was worried at first, but it seems like Bending Spoons has the chops to at least improve the app from where it is/was. I didn’t experience many issues anyway, but the few sync errors or failed syncs I did notice aren’t really an issue at present. The AI stuff isn’t too worrying. I’m not a big AI proponent as I don’t need or want my notes touched up without my permission. In interviews, BS also seems adamant that these features will be opt-in only.

You can absolutely open a file and edit it, all within Evernote. This is a feature Notion and some others lack. If I have to export the file, modify it, then re-import it into my system, then what’s the point of storing it within said system? EN works great for this.

Finally, while I do use Notebooks as high-level containers, I don’t need even a single level of sub-notebooks. For this I use tags which I find to be superior to notebooks and tags do allow several layers.


Totally misead this that I had to re-read 4 or 5 times … :rofl:


Poor use of an acronym on my part :crazy_face:

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From what I understand it is a perfect acronym :slight_smile:

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It does not look like an excellent outlook for Evernote if this is true.


similar news from SFGate


I’ve checked out other companies at over the years and Bending Spoons has a 4.7 out of 5 stars review.

Working at Bending Spoons

They were bought by an Italian company. Makes sense

At least they’ll get great pizza! :grin: