Josh's music composition and dissertation writing desk


Hopefully, the dissertation writing function for this desk will be over soon. It is pretty messy, but it is what it is. I built the desk over this past Christmas break. I hope to keep adding music equipment to it in the future.


Musical dissertation or are the two pursuits unrelated?

That desk looks like it’ll make a really nice little home studio.

Musical-Trombone related. The most time I have spent at the desk has been writing the dissertation but I am looking forward to utilizing the studio portion of it further once I am finished.

What kind of desk is that? One day I’d love to have one that suits a keyboard like that. I’ve seen FB ads for different desks and different discussions on notation blogs, but I’m a fan of what you’ve got right there.

Also, it’s better to be messy on a big desk than it is to be messy on a small desk. In my room right now the only free space on my desk is for my MBP when I’m not at it.

this desk is based on Output’s platform desk. I wanted a desk with a large amount of space available but not extremely wide.