Keep It (From reinvented software)

They also offer the option to purchase Keep It for Mac as a paid up front app. The iOS version is subscription only.

Anyone know of other tools for note management that meet the following criteria:
• Central database hosted on client webdav or personal cloud (NOT THIRD PARTY SERVERS)
• Services does sync as in creating copies of data for each location.

In theory the primary database might be 50 gigs, so would need a soft metadata sync but not fill up devices w/copies of the notes enclosed in the primary database. When a note is needed, you download that specific note.

Devonthink and Devonthink to go.


I have been looking into DT/DT2Go as it seems it gets closer and yet might need a 4 year engineering degree to get the configuration and connections working? DT is saying what I am asking for isn’t really what it is designed to do??

How would you see the DT/DT2G pair solving the following:
• Centralized database ideally stored on self hosted webdav
• Exporting photos from iPhone and then deleting said photos from iPhone after successfully
stored in centralized database (ideally photos are auto deleted like many apps do these days…well, automatically moved to deleted folder which is fine, works.)
• Ability to see everything, and download a note (not entire database) on demand

Moving to DT forum

I REALLY like Keep It for the iPad, iPhone although I don’t recall the price being anywhere near what it is now. I enjoy the way it is organized. Syncing has not caused any problems. But I certainly don’t want to keep paying for it ad infinitum. I might just make a lateral move to another app mentioned which is presently languishing. I avoid subscriptions like the Bubonic Plague!

I’m extremely subscription-adverse, and I believe Keep It iOS is the only app subscription I have. Oddly, it’s not my preferred app in its category, but I store a lot of info in it that doesn’t really benefit from being in a DEVONthink database. I like the app and the developer, and it is well worth the modest $10 annual subscription.

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$10/year is the iOS subscription price.

The Mac app is a separate subscription for $20/year, or a one-time purchase of $50.

Some people complained that many other apps use the same subscription for their Mac and iOS apps. However, the ones I can think of are Drafts, Fantastical, and Carrot Weather. (Also OmniFocus, but I don’t have any idea what their pricing is anymore.)

Fantastical is $40/year and Drafts is now $30/year. I don’t remember what Carrot is… I know their are several tiers… so, in actuality, Keep It’s two subscriptions probably aren’t more than other apps that just have one, and if you don’t need the Mac app, it’s much cheaper.

Of course, if you know that you’ll keep using the Mac app, the one-time price will pay for itself after 2.5 years.

I really liked Keep It… far more than Evernote or DevonThink, for that matter… but after I had sync problems, it got to the point where I didn’t trust it to rely on it, so I stopped using it. It may have gotten better since then, but it’s an expensive thing to check if it turns out to still be an issue.

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That is correct, and the iOS subscription is what Katie and I were specifically talking about.

Deal breaker for me having no choice but iCloud. I would consider if there was a webdav or self hosted cloud for storage and syncing. iCloud is a non-started and not even worth exploring further as a result.

For those who always ask why:
• No need for the data to be on any 3rd party hosted cloud - regardless of merits of encryption.
• No need to add yet more monthly subscription fees (data file would exceed size limits)