Kids access to ipad? Lock single apps?

My kids use my ipad for gaming (recently found out, that “gaming” has become an official verb in English).

I don’t want to give them my passcode, but I also don’t want them to have access to my passwords or notes.
I think I also don’t want to register their faces in FaceID, as this allows basically the same things.
It is still officially my ipad and I use it regularly (for example right now).

I was hoping that I can disable the general passcode for my ipad and enable “Require FaceID” for specific apps, but that feature only works with passcode enabled.

I could just unlock the ipad for my kids, but I am not always available, for example they are allowed to get up early on weekends to play, but I try to sleep in.

Any suggestions?

iPad is a single user device. Apple won’t anticipate or Solve for your use case unfortunately.

To use an iPad you either have to not have a passcode at all or the user needs the passcode/Touch/faceID.

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That’s what I thought :frowning:
They have an older ipad for themselves, but understandably want to use the more powerful devices.

I’ve never used it, but Guided Access is supposed to lock an iPad to one app.

You can keep the iPad unlocked and restrict usage to only one app with guided access. I covered it here: How to Stop People from Snooping on Your iPhone | appsntips

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You can set Restrictions under the setting Screen Time.

Ah, that seems interesting!
Would I set the time limit for “locked” apps to 1min? It seems to be the minimum.
Or how would ich do this?

(My understanding is that I would disable the screen time feature when I am using it, and enable it afterwards).

I want to restrict usage to multiple apps. My understanding is that guided access does not help in this situation.

I am also very happy with disallowing a couple of apps. Maybe I can use the shortcuts automation idea and start from there.

Yeah Guided Access will only work with one app. The solution @caro suggested is the only one I can think of that will work. You can also tie this with Focus Mode feature and create a gaming focused home screen that only shows the games your kids want to play.