Learning Drafts: How to drink from the firehose?

Drafts is awesome. I use it all the time and am so grateful for it.

It’s also awesome in the sense that it gives me a sense of fear and trembling—not in doing what I’m doing, but at the daunting prospect of all it can do and how I can learn more without overwhelming myself.

Clue So Much

I’m on the Drafts discourse as well, but my eyes tend to glaze at the features and uses. The pool gets deep, fast. So, I’m interested in hearing how others approach that wonderful firehose in ways that are effective for them.

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@macsparky has a free Drafts Field Guide


Thanks—that’s in my toolkit, but a good reminder!

There’s some coverage over at screencastsonline.

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As with any tool, I’d start with a problem you are looking to solve; a frustration you’d like to eliminate. Rather than trying to learn all the ways you could use Drafts, focus on what you use it for now, or want to use it for now, and see if you can make that better.


Always the best advice. :+1:

And when you choose a problem you want Drafts to help with, odds are that someone has already built an action that helps. Head over to the Drafts action directory and look around. Almost everything I’ve learned about Drafts actions I learned by looking at how others have built actions.


Does somebody want to take the topic title out of context? :sweat_smile: