Looking for personal budgeting software - YNAB alternative

I always found nYNAB pretty poor until you added YNAB Toolkit, so that was third party developers improving the software itself! That was a major bug bear for me. I’ve never really used the mobile app other than to add transactions, so never really made use of the other functions.


Just stumpled into Buxfer , wonder anyone has experience or feedback to share

I know this doesn’t help you, but my favorite expense tracker is HomeBudget. The Mac app is bleh, but the iOS client is top of the line. No bank importing, everything is manual, but I’ve been using it for 7 years and it’s the best of the 100+ apps I’ve used!

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I’ve found the following link from a Reddit post for those that liked the YNAB 4 and would like to continue using it - however, not sure it’ll work post Rosetta era for those on M1 Macs, but for those that have got Intel Macs, this should get YNAB working as a 64 bit app.

Apparently YNAB isn’t a compiled program, but an actionscript and included the Adobe Air 32 bit program within the code - the script above replaces that 32 bit Adobe Air with the 64 bit version.

Haven’t tried it myself yet as away from my Mac at the minute, but will be installing and giving a go as soon as I can get back to the Mac!

Will check if the iOS app still works, as I recall I used to run in to issues with it but think that was Dropbox API related, so the wifi sync may work.

I’ve used Account Tracker Pro for years, rock solid, very responsive support. I use the app for logging all my transactions seeing where my money goes, budgets and filling my tax return with my accountant. Not looked at any other app since I’ve got this:

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Am I seeing correctly that the Mac version is view-only? Or am I misunderstanding?

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Yes, sorry should have mentioned. The real work is done on mobile (iphone/ipad). Having said that you can edit all you transactions on the mac. However, budgets and reports are ios. It is however, extremely easy to export.

This fits my workflow as I do 99% of my finance tracking on ios.

Most online sales are done on mobile, why not finance?. As I recall the Wallet app was the only way to manage an Apple Card until card.apple.com was launched a year later.

Actually, that’s a constant frustration for me. I’d like to be able to conveniently reference my current Apple Card transactions, and instead of being able to login to their website and view them, the only options are on my mobile devices. Statements are available online, but not current transactions. It’s ridiculous.

I’m fine with it being available in both places - but “you’re logged in on a device with a giant screen - but in order to view data that would be well-expressed in a nice spreadsheet, we require you to go get your device with a 6” screen" is just silly.

The nature of finance & budget categorization, IMHO, doesn’t lend itself nearly as well to small screens. Especially when that screen is a phone and your eyes aren’t as good as they used to be.


Sorry, I was under the mistaken idea that the apple card website was an improvement.

Yes, that’s an odd omission on the Apple Card website, that you can only get the PDF statement. I have a first of the month repeating task to import the .ofx, and I had to annotate the task because I kept thinking I could do it on desktop where I work on personal finance.


Currently, as I’m a student, I went with YNAB because they offered a yearly free subscription. The videos and e-mails have been helpful, my girlfriend also started using it. I think they offer a great option and educational advice, which then you can apply with other software like budgetwithbuckets.

I’ve been using YNAB for years and would love to switch off of it to get rid of the cost, but I haven’t found anything that I liked yet. Would love to have a Mac-assed app that stores data in an open format (CSV or JSON maybe), but so many are by solo devs/startups and don’t store data in an open format.

I’m looking for open format storage because I want to minimize migration pains in the future, and I try to avoid solo devs/startups for closed-source apps that I plan to use for years.

Maybe I should just go back to spreadsheets.

Yeah, you’re definitely forgiven for thinking that. :slight_smile:

I banged my head against it for a fair bit of time before realizing that it doesn’t have what I consider to be one of the single most necessary pieces of data.

Hi Dave, did you end up finding an alternative or stay in YNAB?

Hi, I stayed with YNAB. I tried to roll my own solution but I wasn’t happy with the outcome. My issue is I’ve been with YNAB since around 2006 and I use it every day. I suffered through the transition from YNAB to nYNAB (the online version) and I love the current version.

I tried going back to YNAB classic but it just felt odd to me so I paid the subscription and haven’t looked back.

Like a lot of folks, my family runs on a very tight budget and I haven’t found anything that works as well for me as YNAB.


I use YNAB multiple times per week and am personally happy to pay the subscription. I was a disgruntled Mint user - always wondering who was paying for my financial data. As they say, you get what you pay for.

I think the OP had a bad support experience. There is enough flexibility to deviate from the rules. I’m even running a business account off the program which is not an intended use case, but works for me. The app is easy to use, and at least I know my data stays with me.


I just tested Copilot which recently launched on Mac. I really like the fresh interface and handling of new transactions- coding them all on one screen regardless of the account(s) they come from. However the lack of investment account transactions, account registers or ability to reconcile to statements led me to abandon it and stick with Banktivity.

The investment thing is truly bizarre. They only show securities held in each account but nothing else.

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I think I’m the same, the Annual subscription was coming up again, and was looking to save that $140 AUD fee, but I think it pays for itself in stopping me spending in other areas and tracking properly. Same here, tight family budget means keeping a close eye on it and couldn’t find an alternative.


Tha family plan helps with the cost.

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