Looking for software to help me perform a time audit

I just started a productivity course, wherein one of the first homework assignments is to perform a “time audit.” This will be a breakdown of how I spend all waking hours for an upcoming week.

The instructor recommends pencil and paper and I’ve seen other people use spreadsheets. Neither of these seems particularly easy or elegant solutions. Wondering if anyone here is aware of software that can perform that would be better suited for this task?

If you’ve done something similar in the past, I’d love to hear about your workflow.

Check out BlockyTime on App Store, you can time track in 15/30 minute increments, this is the best approach I’ve found to hassle free time tracking honestly. Starting/stopping timers is just too much of an overhead imo.

I wonder why there aren’t more apps like BlockyTime, the approach is quite amazing (over the stretch of a few weeks the inaccuracies do not really matter that much, I found 30 minute increment time tracking to be quite precise for my purposes).


Toggl is an online service which can be used for time tracking for free. Toggl has a free app which is OK. Timery is a paid app to allow you to use the service more easily.


Thank you! BlockyTime looks like the exact sort of tool I was looking for.

Timery has crashed a couple times for me in Sequoia. I noticed it hasn’t been updated in a year. Do you know if the developer has abandoned the project? My subscription is coming due this spring and I’m debating whether to move on to something else.

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I heard the presenters of Cortex podcast say that Timery is once more in active development now.

FWIW, I use Toggl with Timery as a front end, and really like the app. It’s been rock solid for me across iOS, iPadsOS, and MacOS (but I am not yet on Sequioa). I only turn to Toggl for my weekly reports, which for some reason in the iOS app Toggl renders in percentage pie charts (which is what I record, the percentage of weekly time spend on important tasks). Timery reports in bar charts by hours worked without the percentage.

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