Love Notes To Newton screening @Macstock 2018

@MacSparky and others who went to Macstock 2018- did you see the screening of “Love Notes To Newton” by any chance?
I’ve just bought the digital download, but won’t be watching it for a while.

I’m curious how the screening was-attendance as well as the quality of the documentary

It was very interesting. I thought it could have been shortened, and it had a perfect ending point, but it continued on for awhile after that scene. I was tired so that could have influenced my feelings. I do plan on seeing it again so my wife can see it. It did have some humorous moments too.

The first woman who was interviewed in the documentary was attending Macstock this past weekend. I had talked to her and she had her working Newton with her. She never mentioned she was in the documentary so it was a surprise to see her.

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Thanks for the feedback. I’m looking forward to watching it

You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy it!

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This documentary is now available on Amazon Prime.
Love Notes to Newton on Amazon Prime


90 minutes video? Must be like listening to a podcast interview with drying paint enthusiasts. :smile:

I thought it was very good and provided a lot of insight into what developing a project at Apple was like at the time. It focuses on the people who developed it and the user community. It doesn’t really focus as much on the technical side of things. The cinematography is well done too.

Here’s a review from Cult of Mac, Love Notes to Newton tells story of Apple’s most important failure

"A great documentary for Newton MessagePad fans

This isn’t to say I didn’t dig Love Notes to Newton. I’m an Apple history geek, and it’s great to have a story about Apple history that isn’t (directly) focused on Jobs’ firing and return to the company.

If you’re a fan of the subject matter, I’d not hesitate to recommend Love Notes to Newton. However, if you’re looking for an engaging documentary you can show your less-geeky significant other, you might want to keep searching."

another poster

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I knew almost nothing about Newton. I not only backed the project, but I’ve watched the documentary several times. The foresight and creativity that went into Newton are just so inspiring.

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