M4 Max Laptop Cooler?

With complete acknowledgement that I’m being a little paranoid, I’m looking for something to cool my M4 Max Macbook Pro.

It sits in an open-back cube shelf, using an external display, keyboard, trackpad, etc. I’m leaving the lid open so it has more ability to release heat. But sometimes when I grab it to toss into my bag, it feels pretty warm.

I know I could always just buy some wire baking racks and toss it on those, but I’m thinking it would be good to just have some sort of fan that can move air across it. Especially if I have to spend money on it either way.

Does anybody else have something like this that they use?

I always keep my Mac laptop on an old Belkin “PC Cooler.” I only plug it in when my iStat Menus utility tells that that temps are climbing.

How about something like this?
Laptop Cooling Pad

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Yeah, that would work. I’m just hoping that maybe people will have a suggestion as to something that they personally use. Lots of stuff out there, and determining quality is tricky with online reviews. :slight_smile:

How hot is it getting internally? A big fan or a better angled HVAC vent moving air slowly through the freestanding cubes would probably be good enough. Not saying you shouldn’t sit the laptop on a cooler.

I just installed iStat so I can tell - I’ll report back. The outside is frequently the highly-scientific measurement “warmer than I’d like.” :smiley:

The HVAC venting is actually right above the shelf, but the whole shelf is 6’x6’ and right up against the wall. The shelf doesn’t get a lot of air flow, and the way I sit the laptop on the shelf there’s not a lot of room for a fan.

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Ah, sorry, I thought it was a freestanding shelf. Active cooling seems like the best move.