Mac Awesome List

Always wanted to share with @MacSparky and @katiefloyd the idea of awesome lists.
it’s common within the developer world but actually useful to everyone. Now when MPU has migrated to Discourse it’s a nice chance to share it with everybody.

Basically, awesome-lists are community-curated, structured lists of useful things related to some specific topic (the idea is similar to Wikipedia). Recently MPU was added to one of such lists

I use these lists all the time (podcasts, software, device-specific lists…) because they help me to save a lot of time. It’s easier to take advantage of community experience when I’m looking for some app instead of trying and googling everything myself. These lists are active and easy to contribute (if you want to add a new item or remove something because the item is not supported anymore or something like that… ), or just add a new idea or suggestion.

PS please don’t consider it’s as an ad, there is no profit, no ads. It’s just Wikipedia-like approach where everyone in the community wins.

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