Mac Power Users 464: Stephen... Who?

I just listened to the episode and really liked it. I am kind of a heavy Relay FM listener so I „know“ Stephen pretty well (I notice how ridiculous this sounds but it is this weird podcast relationship where you listen for hours and hours to a person…). I am pretty sure that Stephen is the perfect fit for this show. When I first heard the announcement I thought so and now I am even more convinced. And it seems that David and Stephen get along really well which is great. I just hope that there is a little innovation when it comes to the show. Not much is needed but it can‘t be wrong to change a little from time to time. But I am pretty optimistic that @MacSparky and @ismh will figure it out.

Looking forward to the next 463 episodes (no pressure! :wink: )


I enjoyed the episode and found out some more interesting information about Stephen that I didn’t know from listening to some of his other shows. Welcome to MPU Stephen.

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I just finished listening and really enjoyed the episode. :+1: I’m looking forward to the first content/interview shows.

Welcome to MPU, @ismh!

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I’ve been thoroughly enjoying the episode too, it’s nice to get some background about podcasters (unlike how I’m not bothered about people in other media types); it was a great idea for the episode topic.
It was also interesting to find out they’d known each other a long time and get on really well, which bodes well for the community that Katie and David nurtured around the podcast.

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A really fun episode, as expected. Even as someone who has “known” of Stephen for awhile, I learned some fun new stuff about him, and I look forward to the future.

In fact, the only problem with the episode was @MacSparky asking “Who shot first?” I mean, come on. Even asking that question is insulting, like “Do you still beat your wife?” Or “Did you think the Prequels were good?”


Again the personal praise for the Fujitsi ScanSnap from @MacSparky.
That’s enough. Unsubscribed from the MPU podcast. It has been a nice many years (yes, I have been a long, long time weekly listener). Thanks and good luck.

Haha then all you know is that it exists - ATP isn’t on Relay :slight_smile:

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How can I automate getting a push notification when episode 800 is released? :wink:

The episode had been recorded before the discussion in this forum. So it was just an unfortunate coincidence in my eyes.

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Really enjoyed the episode. Even though I’ve listened to Stephen on many other podcasts this was still a fun one. Looking forward to the future.

I may hire skywriters over every major city.


Remember to go international

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I can’t be mad at someone for loving such a flawed being as Bruce Wayne, it’s why his movies are always better than Superman’s lol. I’m a lifelong Superman fan, and it pains me a bit to say that the only worthwhile media put out about him is when he was angsty teen Clark Kent on Smallville.


I’ve listened to Stephen for years. He is the perfect person to join this show and interact with David. To quote the Adventure Zone, “[it’s] going to be amazing!”

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Bingo. And not something “disastrous” enough to require an emergency edit.

Haha! I guess all these networks with Mac shows blend together for me.

Remember that the discussion about Fujitsu’s total lack of support and general bad software has been going on for quite some time. I don’t think they’ve recorded this episode months ago.
The bad thing about these podcasts - and quite a bit of the Mac blogosphere too - is that it all sounds like well intended advice/recommendations from the host/author. But in fact it’s just all about the money. Of course I’d be happy with a Scansnap if they send me a new one every so often. But once you’ve paid for it and all of a sudden your device turns into an expensive paperweight it’s a completely different story.

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Stephen! I used to live in Memphis. I was one of the original Saddle Creek Apple Store employees and was working on opening day. Also, I worked at the U of M library for a couple years, worked at the Peddlar bike shop on Highland St. and used to frequent Otherlands and Java Cabana (I’m guessing you’ve been to one of both of those. Everytime I hear you talk about Memphis I wish I’d had a chance to meet you. I moved back to Missouri in 2004 so I’m guessing we never crossed paths.

Anyhoo, been listening to you on Connected, looking forward to your contribution to MPU.


Stephen activates my Siri several times during this episode. Anyone experiencing the same?

And for quite some time, David has not been frequenting the forum much due to a family situation.