Mac Power Users 469: Running a Business with G Suite

I believe you’re correct. Google Doc files are not backed up normally because they can’t actually be read or displayed by any native application; they have to be opened on the web.

Except running an average webapp is way closer to ssh or X-session than it is to running a native app locally, for a couple reasons. First, there is an inherent layer of abstraction (the browser) that causes delays/slow-down that you would not experience in a native app. This is similar to how the network between you and your remote machine slows you down. Second, a huge number of the most popular webapps do little to no computing/processing on the client side. So much of it is sent server-side, and certainly all data you’re put into the webapp can safely be assumed to be going over the wire. Same as when you’re working on a remote machine. You don’t make the same assumptions as when you’re working on a native app.

Lastly, fun fact, the plus address ( thing is not unique to just Gmail. It’s specified as a technique called sub-addressing in RFC 5233 and you can read more about it here.

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It is pretty neat how aviation latched on to the iPad. It is a great and powerful tool while flying. Maps, airport information and flight planning. It is a prime example of a killer app that makes it so ubiquitous.

Started listening to the episode this afternoon. I’ve been using Gsuite as part of a ham radio club that I’m president of. The collaboration is spiffy. To me that is one of the biggest selling features. I should finish listening the episode.

One of the thing I wonder about is will google get into the database world.

With work, I can use office 365, which is more relatable to last weeks episode. It was nice to work on some projects on my iMac instead of my issued taptop/tablet.

KF6WNT here not active but maintain my license. Hubby is WA2VFN, been a ham forever.

I suspect that if they do they will both make some great advances and miss some obvious things.

FWIW I was a manager of a business for a year that ran entirely on G-Suite. The business went sort of tits up (inherited tens of thousands of dollars of undisclosed past due bills that we never recovered from) but the G-suite was a great way to keep track of how we weren’t going to make it.

No seriously, it was a good experience from the tech standpoint and would almost, but not quite, get me thinking cloud services might be ok in some selected use cases. :wink:

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I’ve been considering whether to try to move the employees at the school / nonprofit where I work to move to Slack. We already use GSuite, so I’m interested in the advantages of Google Hangouts Chat vs. Slack. Currently, we use a lot of email and a lot of GroupMe messages to communicate.

I’m still in the middle of the episode, but I have a question. I’ve had “Google Apps for Your Domain” since it was launched and as such I am grandfathered in on a free account and as far as I am aware I see no advertising at all. Does anyone know if there is any downside to just continuing as I am versus “converting” to a paid account?

I’ve also been seriously considering abandoning Google completely (over creepiness) but even though all I really need is mail, calendars, contacts, I simply cannot find anything that works as well — especially on the mail front. Gmail web is fast and precise 100% of the time.

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That grandfathered account should remain free.

It will be hard to find a better suite that works as well overall, but you can get close, or cobble together disparate products.

Gmail is great for convenience and security, not for privacy. (shrug) We’ve talked about alternative email providers before:

Hi Guys, how do you setup dropbox integration with gsuite ?

Decent episode. Hangouts are a TERRIBLE solution for conferencing and just recently got support for third party hardware/conferencing as they dropped support for standard protocols a few years back. Also, much of gsuite security depends on oauth when integrating third party apps. Their permissions are not granular AT ALL.

New host is very verbose. Wish he would pipe down a bit and let David talk a little more. Not trying to be mean or grumpy. Meant as constructive criticism.

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I always felt that @katiefloyd was very quiet on the shows where they interviewed guests, with @macsparky kind of dominating the interview. I haven’t sat down and counted or anything, but it seems like David and @ismh are splitting the question-asking duties closer to 50/50.


This was also very much my impression of the Katie/David dynamic and the changes since Stephen has come on board.

Don’t have a strong preference in either direction, nor do I claim to know which is more “right”, just an observation!

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we just got G-suite at work. We have unlimited storage - I tested it by uploading a 12GB virtual machine and it didn’t complain a bit,.

I also have the Jamboard tool that works fine on my laptop - no 5 foot diagonal Chromebook.

I have a grandfathered account and have been an admin on my previous company’s G Suite. While I didn’t do a side by side comparison, my older account didn’t seem to have some of the newer admin features. Other than than, I say they are basically the same.

At one time I considered changing providers. But Gmail has great search and filters and chances are, since Google is the world largest email provider, most of the people you correspond with personally are on gmail.

So Google would probably have copies of your messages even if you didn’t use them. :slight_smile:

Email isn’t secure. Assume anything you write is public and it, IMO, makes the decision of which provider to choose much easier.

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Are you referring to the Gsuite version of Gmail here, or the vanilla version? I thought I heard (on the podcast) that the Gsuite version isn’t crawled. Or is that wishful hearing?

That is correct. There are a lot of knee-jerk comments about Google on the Internet.

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There seem to be several OMs/YLs here.

For those deep into G Suite, how do you manage company tasks?

The G Suite Task app is cute, but you cannot assign, and it has no independent way to view all tasks. Keep is actually quite useful, and you can share a note with others, but can’t converse about the Task.
Sheets looks like the way to go - any task setups/resources to be considered?

Stephen, how do you guys do it? I listened to it a while ago, so you may have mentioned it in the podcast, sorry for the repeat question if that’s the case.

Myke and I don’t keep a shared task list, actually. Even if we did, it would be something like Todoist, outside of G Suite.

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Was this the episode y’all also started to talk about backup? I wanted to talk about something y’all mentioned in the show regarding raid and how recommended hardware raid. I cannot disagree more; users here, and especially for small businesses are better off using software raid via mdadm, or using a file system with more modern features like ZFS. Why is hardware raid not recommended? In most use cases, it is not noticeably faster than software raid, it is less flexible, and it’s now another point of failure where if your raid card goes, you either replace the raid card with the same exact thing, or you lose your raid. Software raid is not some magical solution, but it does not suffer from the same downsides. You can get good used enterprise grade servers and storage bays for quite cheap nowadays, and with some set up of things Linux and a file system, you can get crazy fast performance (near SSD speed reads and writes) from spinning disks in raid. If you have some technical ability and like tinkering, as power users this is one of the best options out there for price to performance ratio. Drobo, Synology, and others have ease of use, but are far more expensive and have much lower-end hardware

I am very experienced in Linux. At a former company I rolled out Linux-based storage systems (mdadm, OCFS). But at home I want a box where I just pop drives in and after initial configuration just works. No desire to deal with stuff at home.

As for HW vs. SW RAIDs: SW RAIDs have advantages. Computer shot? Easy to mount a mdadm array on another computer. And what HW controller do you “trust more”? Too many brands, many without firmware updates, often not really transparent on what they are do. Quality HW controllers might be considered differently.


Yes, definitely comes down to time as well! Convenience is definitely a big feature :slight_smile: