Mac Power Users 480: Catching up with Michael Hyatt

I got excited when I heard about the Fluid app. I’ve downloaded it and run into an apparent showstopper (for me at least) and that’s the fact that it doesn’t seem to play with 1Password, or even the keychain. Am I missing something?

Why is that a showstopper? I think I just cut-and-pasted the password from 1Password.

Loved the link to Epichrome the Chrome single-app browser. I’ve already installed it for gmail. I’ve had problems getting notifications for Gmail in Fluid, but the Chrome thing works like champ. I may install it for instant messages too, though I have IM+ for that through my Setapp subscription.

Also I loved the reference to finding three important things to get done a day, so you don’t get bogged down in administrivia. I may modify it to just make a list of all the important things I have (finally! a use for priorities!) and just make sure to do at least three of those a day.

Didn’t love:

The whole business with the"passion compass" – or whatever Michael Hyatt calls it – was baloney: Do what you enjoy dong and are great at? That’s a luxury only available to about 1% of the population. Maybe less. The rest of us have jobs that we are not passionate about, but we do to as a means to an end – putting kids through college, supporting a family, or just supporting ourselves.

And even when what we’re doing is not our job: Hobbies are incredibly important to our mental, psychological, and even spiritual health. But it doesn’t matter the least little bit how great – or good – we are at our hobbies. If you are a crappy watercolorist, or gardener, or golfer, but you love it, you should absolutely continue doing it and make it a priority. (Maybe not skydiving, though. Competence matters there. :wink:)


I keep thinking about this point, wondering how to fit it into my work week, which is very often repetitive, made up of smaller tasks like random admin work, or huge ones, like recording and editing.


I disagree with portion of your comments more so the “1%” exclusionary statement. If anything NEW jobs are being created daily given our current times. Hello social media manager did not exist 10-15 years ago (eg Cloud engineers, AI experts, "on-line business in general)… and if anything the constant flood of learning Youtube and/or more formal sites (Coursea/Udemy etc) allow those in that " i hate my job world " a means to get out that again did not exists unless one had time to spend in a library researching.

Personally I find that people have a hard time identifying that “passion project” more so than finding time to act on it. honestly i think we were/are taught that 9-5/ job for life non-sense and i’m glad the generations under me (i’m almost 40) will be shifted from that mindset and know the world is limitless as far as what you want to do in life.

From a 73 year vantage point my world is not limitless. Chose one thing and that bars other things. My time is not limitless and my power to accomplish is not limitless. I do the best I can. I hope and plan for wornderful.

If I’m off on the wrong tangent I appologise.

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Fluid not compatible with Mojave (?)

Downloaded and paid without trying it out, seeking a refund, lesson learned.
Apps created are flagged as damaged and will not run.
If you all know a fix, please let me know.

I couched everything in the perspective of someone with 100,000 subscribers for the planner. That’s $12.5M/yr in revenue alone.

I did buy one, but I found the layout seemed to be tailored to Hyatt’s needs. Didn’t care for the journal either. That’s fine. Different strokes.

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Works fine under Mojave with me. I’d try the cheap fixes of re-downloading the app, and restarting, just to see if they make a difference. I’ve been using Fluid for years, despite owning other apps that do the same thing, like Coherence (which I found to be a pain to set up).


I’m only going off the podcast and not the book, but isn’t the idea that you fill out the Freedom Compass in the context of your actual task list and job? That seems like something anyone could do. Even if you have nothing in north because you hate what you do, you would still want to focus on the competent/unenjoyable zone over the others. (I’d argue you should also put “apply to jobs” in north in that situation, too, but I understand some people are or feel too stuck to attempt that.)

What are Michael’s other four weekly listen podcasts? :slight_smile:

The previous Michael Hyatt episode was one of my favorites. Glad you had him back!


The new jobs being created daily are available to only a tiny sliver of the population. How many social media managers are there in the world – a few thousand?

See this list of the most common jobs in America:

Interestingly, most of those jobs existed 100 years ago. Or close parallels to them – you don’t have many truck drivers then, but you have teamsters who drive horse wagons.

Now consider the top 3 alone: “Retail salespersons,” “Cashiers” and “Office clerks.” These are categories of people who enjoy their work, if their co-workers and customers are pleasant and if they feel like they’re working for something, usually to support a family (and often so that their children don’t have to be retail salespeople, cashiers, or office clerks!). But that’s a different prospect from the kind of work Michael Hyatt was talking about.


Just listened to the episode so I could chime in here :slight_smile:

I get what Michael Hyatt was saying, and I generally think his compass model works. But I also think passion doesn’t mean what a lot of people think it means.

When I was doing research for my book/course, I found somewhere (can’t remember where at this point) that the root of the word passion is the Latin word pati, which literally means “to suffer.” So the idea of “follow your passion” doesn’t mean “do what you love,” but actually, “what is so important you’re willing to be uncomfortable to see it come to pass?”

“What do you enjoy?” and “what is so important to you that you’re willing to suffer to see it happen?” are very different questions!


He used to write useful stuff. That seems like it was a long time ago. He’s turned into more of a pitchman for his products over the past 5 or 6 years.


I also tried Fluid app after listening to one podcast recently and I have it running fine in Mojave. My only slight complain is I don’t know how to change the icon, or make the icon adopt the favicon of a website.

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Setting a goal to do a repetitive task better, or in a fresh, or more efficient manner can be as important and as satisfying as any other goal. That’s how skills are honed. Every day doesn’t have to be groundbreaking or focused on variety.

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I don’t believe our definitions are that at odds with each other :wink: You can have strong emotions about something but not enjoy every moment. But you care enough about it that’s it’s worth it. That’s the root of all the “find your why” productivity advice out there (including my course!)

There’s a great clip from Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe about it here:

To hear just his problem with the “follow your passion” advice, go to around 3:55. To see his amazing smirk when the host uses the word passion, start about 1:45 :blush:

I like the “suffering” link with passion, but I actually interpret the meaning of it a bit differently: What do you care so much about that not to do it would be painful?


We just completed an anonymous survey of our 1,800 faculty and staff, with 83% saying they are enthused to come to work everyday.

We also help people get out of dull, droll jobs into fields they want to do. If someone dreads their job everyday, then they need to take the steps needed to get into something more fulfilling. A person might not be able to quit their job today, but they might be able to in a year or two. I have seen hundreds of people do this. Things like a retail manager becoming a special ed teacher, or an accountant becoming a nurse, a waitress becoming a rad tech, etc.

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At least in the US, there are more issues to consider than figuring out a passion (most people already know). Consider the number of people who can’t indulge because their current 9-to-5er provides health insurance. Maybe, someday, perhaps, we’ll have universal healthcare like our European colleagues which will release the creative juices of the masses. In the meantime it’s tough to take risks when you’re one accident or illness away from bankruptcy. (and don’t even get me started on those with pre-existing conditions)