I wanted to share a couple of my favorite KM macros. Some I’ve migrated over from Alfred for consolidation, others are ones that were just generally easier to do through KM.
- Copy link from Mail.app
I have mapped ⌘ ⇧ C to “Copy link to message” in Mail.app. This way I can have a link going directly to an email in apps like Omnifocus
- Switch to different audio output when USB device is detected
I use an audio DAC at work so that I don’t have to hook up my headphones each time I dock my computer. Whenever KM notices that the DAC has been plugged in on my hub, it switches the audio source. I also detect when it’s been removed and set my mute volume so that I don’t accidentally blast my music when I take my computer away from my desk.
- Formatting JSON
I copy JSON often, but as a single line. I have a way to nicely format JSON so that it’s easier to read
I would have included images for each macro, but apparently new users can’t post more than one image.