Mac Power Users 486: Essential iOS Apps


Those show notes took a while.


Huge library of TextExpander snippets?

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Great episode, guys. I found a couple new apps to try out.

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If you have ever edited out a bunch of Basecamp discussion, feel free to release it as a bonus episode. :slight_smile: I find that company and its software endlessly fascinating.

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You may be surprised how little I cut from our recordings! I tidy things up and smooth out transitions but I’ve never cut any large chunk since I started in January.

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@ismh86 I think you and I have the exact same feelings about Todoist and waffling back and forth from OmniFocus. I still can’t find anything that fits me quite like Todoist.

@ismh86 - I use DropBox extensively as well… I tried iCloud drive and it never clicked but I am hoping that the new iOS features make a difference.

I have a question about Dropbox and Google… Since you use DropBox as your “glue”, and you use Google Docs/Drive for collaboration, is there a way that you use them both? Do you sync them or do you just keep two file systems? 1 in Dropbox and the Other in Google Drive??


I don’t keep any files in Google Drive; just documents and spreadsheets I work on with others. Everything else goes in Dropbox, such as recordings, images, etc.

If it weren’t for two-way Google Calendar sync I could see myself using TickTick or Things or… other things. (Better notes, better subtasks, more attractive design, among other reasons.) But Todoist, especially with a Power-up to Trello, is a good experience. Not great, but good enough.

The show notes builds a framework to enhance the listening experience. Thanks


I like that Soulver and Unread were both reference in the show. If you guys have not tried Soulver, there is a new Mac version being released a couple of weeks ago and they have a 30 day trial on the Mac.


Once again a great sho, thanks.

@MacSparky why did you not mention your games ?

I know that there are many freemium, free and bad games out there, but as a nerd and gamer for many years I found that there are many interesting games. On a 12 inch iPad playing tabletop games it is also cool experience.

Here are some picks:

  • Panzer Corps (my newest pick)
  • Days of Wonder Games (Ticket to Ride, Small World…)
  • Pandemic
  • Rebel
  • Blood bowl

Kind regards from Switzerland.

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I realized I don’t switch mail apps enough, so trying stock Apple Mail again after a few years with Spark.

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Seems Soulver 3 for macOS cannot sync with Soulver 2 on iOS… That’s a huge pity.
Their FAQ recommends keeping both on the Mac, to still allow for sync – which is quite the workaround, and less than ideal…

Any ideas on when the iOS app might see an update? Have they made mention of anything?

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Pandemic, a favored cooperative game, the iOS version works well and forces the player to learn the rules.

However, I prefer it on the table top with other team members — 2 to 4 players.

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A user on the Overcast Slack was just sharing their upload shortcut. Might this solve the problem you mentioned?

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I don’t normally write to this forum, but I specifically logged in to address this specific question! (I know, I’m totally late to this discussion but I only just finished the episode)…

Two things:


@MacSparky :slight_smile:
See my comment above.