MacBook Air M1 (macOS Sonoma) discharging overnight

The last couple of weeks my MacBook Air M1 is (almost) completely discharging overnight (from full to empty). The battery is healthy and at 97% of its maximum capacity. I haven’t detected a pattern yet, but I think it might only be happening when the MacBook was connected to an external monitor and a smart power plug which I both switch off at night (and if I only lock my Mac and close the lid; not shutting it down).

What might be causing the battery to drain overnight? What can I do to prevent this?

Activity monitor will show you what programs have used the most energy in the past 12 hours. That might give you a clue if something needs to be shut down at night.

Safari “95” and iTerm 2 “44”, but I’m not sure what to do with this info.

You’re not making the Mac hibernate/sleep, so something you have open in Safari is remaining active and using the battery., as is iTerm 2.

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I used Sleep Aid - View a Mac's sleeping habits, solve issues, improve battery life, stop sniffers to find out why my mac wasn’t sleeping.


That’s an interesting app!

I have downloaded it and started my 14 day trial to see whether I can find the root cause.

It immediately lists Amphetamine as an application that prevents idle sleep… However, I have enabledAllow system sleep when display is closed” in Amphetamine’s settings (checkmark set).

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Lost 30% overnight; this is Sleep Aid’s report:

Started	30 Jan '25 at 23:35:39
Ended	31 Jan '25 at 07:17:12
Duration	7 hr, 41 min, 33 sec
Power	Battery Power
Battery	-30,8% (-4,0% per hour).
Insomnia	32 count (4,2 per hour).
	7 min, 8 sec (1,5%)
Woken by	ATC0.USBWakeup smc.70070000 USB-C_plug
Sleep by	Clamshell Sleep


Bluetooth Ache

Started	30 Jan '25 at 23:42:18
Ended	30 Jan '25 at 23:42:25
Duration	7 sec
Woken by	Bluetooth
Sleep by	Maintenance Sleep

7 Minutes of activity should not explain -30%?

Maybe Sleep Aid’s warning is about when the lid is open?

It looks like something attached via the USB C is waking the machine.

What happens if you disconnect everything else before shutting it.


The Mac stayed at 100%! (I checked at 8:00 in the morning and 19:00 in the evening, before using the Mac for the first time today)

Sleep Aid still complains about “Excessive Insomnia” though…

So either your Dock or something connected to your dock is causing the Mac to work.

Yes, I think it might be the ethernet network cable in that dock.

Try disconnecting only the ethernet tonight?

That’s indeed my next step.

Or disabling Wi-Fi during sleep using Sleep Aid, but I currently am unable to do that due to a bug in that application… (I can’t select it because it overlaps with the Power Adapter / Battery switch)

@aardy Do you still use it? What does normal Mac sleep look like?

Although my Mac does not seem to drain during the night, if I unplug all cables, Sleep Aid still complains about excessive Insomnia (about 9 minutes in 8 hours of sleep).

Most of it is caused by “wifibt”. I found a way to get to the overlapped option (see previous post) by using the keyboard (and also contacted one of the authors on Bluesky, who posted a link to a beta that should solve this UI issue), but get a warning that disabling this during sleep will also disable “Find my”…

Now I’m in doubt what to do (might try it one night).