Every week my Sunday evening Macsparky MPU email goes to my iCloud junk folder and despite my doing everything to mark it as NOT JUNK and sending it back to the inbox, adding to contacts, adding to VIP’s, it still goes to Junk. I have even set up a rule to send all Macsparky email to the INBOX but still, it appeared in the junk folder last night.
I assumed that iCloud “must” have a similar option, but apparently it doesn’t. (I don’t use iCloud or Mail.app for my mail, because the filtering options are so poor for iCloud.)
Can you create a rule that always puts it in your Inbox? Maybe that will help? Is the “From:” address of the newsletter in your iCloud contacts so iCloud knows David is a “friend”?
Same thing happens to me with Gmail. The message I get from Gmail is that it can’t verify the message came from macsparky.com. I agree that it’s annoying. There has to be a configuration issue as other mailing lists work correctly.
I just checked my spam folder on G Suite and there was my MPU newsletter again. No amount of marking it as “not spam” will teach G Suite to file it correctly.
Not a big deal for me, as Pocket Casts gives me notifications when the new episode drops. But I thought David might want to know.