Longtime fans of the show will note that he’s been a longtime user and advocate for FeedWrangler Unread, Instapaper, and (later) Reading List. Now he’s using Reeder 5 for everything–RSS and read-it-later.
David’s announcement has interesting timing for me personally: I recently switched away from Inoreader, because I’m reading a lot more newsletters and want to subscribe in my RSS reader. I hate the way Inoreader implements that feature.
I also use my RSS reader to read a small number of Twitter accounts.
I settled on Feedbin because it does a nice job on RSS, newsletters, and Twitter. And, after trying Reeder, NetNewsWire, and, briefly, Lire, last night I tried the Feedbin app on the iPad and decided it’s OK. And the Feedbin app on the web is also fine when I’m reading on my Mac.
Reeder, NetNewsWire, Lire, and Inoreader all have the same problem with regard to newsletters: They’re all so focused on stripping ads and other clutter out of web pages that they break newsletters, which don’t have a lot of ads and clutter in them. For now at least, newsletters are best read in their native form.