MacSparky Obsidian Field Guide

@MacSparky am I right in thinking that “Properties” is part of the insider programme release as 1.4 is not yet been released?

I’ve completed everything except the plus content. An excellent course that I would highly recommend. It’s bad news for CRIMPERs :grin: :grin: . I would suspect Obsidian users will increase due to this course. Well done and thank you @MacSparky !

@MacSparky Cool! Thanks. I went ahead and bought the plus edition last night anyway.

Thanks for your help with this program. The class kept me up last night!

Gang – you all are making feel great about the course and how it came out. I’ve got several guests lined up for the plus content as well as some stuff I want to teach further. Stay tuned. Announcement soon.


The Siren Call has subsided. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve learned (slowly) that if I give these things a few days, my impulse to jump to something subsides. Upon reflection, I reminded myself that regarding Obsidian (and other apps, for that matter), I’ve jumped in and out several times, which, though I’ve learned things, was nevertheless a net loss of time and productivity.

I’m sure, given the excellence of David’s Field Guides, that I’d learn new skills. But at the end of the day, I don’t need them. Regarding Obsidian specifically, because I do a minimum of 50% of my work on the iPad, trying to make do with an electron mobile app in which many plugins do not work is counterproductive. I want and, in many instances, need my mobile apps to have nearly 100% feature compatibility with the desktop versions.

I’m glad I dodged that bullet. :rofl:


Today at my CORE team meeting at school the reading specialist and staff development teacher were placing bets (over/under) on how many new note taking apps I will use this year. I think I need to follow your lead and avoid the Siren Call…at least for this year.

Just got to the end of it - and found it really helpful.

Just one thing - not sure if it’s just me as I tend to download the large files and watch them on Plex. Anyway, the sound seems to go half way through the Core Plugins video. Anyone else experienced this?

Other wise thanks very much for your efforts @MacSparky - looking forward to the future content!

And I thought I had a reputation for being the ‘tech guy’ at school! At least no one is betting on the apps I’ll be using, as far as I know!

I think you beat me! :grinning:

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If you are a listener here that it self warrants a Obsidian Field Guide purchase.

The thing most useful with the field guide is that it shows you how everything works with demonstrations rather than having to search for an answer or spend lots of times on forums.

Once you know what everything does and how to do it, it’s very easy to make it fit your workflow. It solves the big problem of knowing how to do something.

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Yes, I almost feel like I owe it to MacSparky to purchase the guide as a way to support his work, even though I’m not sure I want to go back down the Obsidian rabbit hole! :slightly_smiling_face:

1.4 has been released for desktop. Properties will come to mobile in a future release.

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Man, some of you really gobbled it up in no time! I’m almost halfway through, and its really useful. Thanks, Macsparky!

When I tried to join yesterday’s Obsidian Field Guide Plus webinar it said it had already reached its 100-member limit. If I’m not mistaken, MacSparky has said that all of these webinars (Zoom meetings, I believe they are) were being recorded so that they could be accessed at any time. Does anyone know where they are?

Same here, alas. The recordings are being made available, @Crystalliere. I expect we’ll hear more about that soon.