This is odd. My Mail app suddenly lost everything. It doesn’t remember any of my email accounts except the icloud account. Not too worried as they were all (well, most) imap but I had many folders in On My Mac folder. But I have complete backups, Time Machine, Backblaze, and SuperDuper.
Not sure where to find everything to restore, though. Could use some tips.
As for the cause, I was trying to restore some apps on my daughter’s phone using iMazing, which required I sign into my wife’s icloud. Later, saw that my iCloud account was no longer connected and it would not recognize my password; I restarted and finally it logged in. All very odd. But now that it’s back. my Mail came up empty and it downloaded all the icloud mail but nothing else and none of my usual accounts are listed.
Update: I tried to change my icloud password as a precaution but could not do so on the Mac. Apple thinks this Mac’s icloud account is new! Changed it using my iPhone but thought it an interesting symptom. I’m pretty puzzled…
and it have 88 GB of data. Navigating through it, it looks like it contains all the mail from all folders and mailboxes, and is identical to the same folder on the backup. I think I just need to get Mail to recognize it. Import the V10 folder?
As it happens, I didn’t need to go to the backup, as the data was all present on my disk, just not being recognized by Mail. In the V10 folder are a bunch of folders with names that start “OrphanedAccount.” I tried changing the name, removing that prefix and it did not recognize the; so I am importing everything now and hoping the import is organized such that I can move things to the way they were.