Major update for Todoist

Todoist has dropped a big update over the last 24 hours, called ‘Todoist Foundations’. Several new features including sub-tasks, project dividers etc.

More info here:


Looks like the kanban-view is still being worked on.

The iOS update arrived overnight, but I the Mac app has not been updated yet.

They stole a few good ideas from Things, like their Magic Plus button, and an improved way to create sections. Subtasks are improved, finally up to most of the competition.

MacStories has a good overview which points out that in being significantly cross-platform (Android, Windows, web, Mac, iOS) they haven’t customized the service to use Apple OS hooks like Dark Mode (they have a perfunctory dark theme but it’s not the same) or multi-window functionality on iPadOS,

Francesco D’Alessio has a good YouTube overview of the update:


Thanks @bowline. My Mac app has updated OK today.

I am having trouble getting Siri to work with Todoist since iOS13. Is anyone else having issues?

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Thanks. Ha, I didn’t remember that it was a MAS app, hadn’t opened it in a few days and just found 12 updates waiting, including Todoist.

Happy Remember The Milk Pro user here…

Still impressed by the “sections” Todoist copied from Things (wish RTM had that as well!).

How does Todoist handle URL’s? In RTM it’s a separate field, like tags, priorities and due dates, but Todoist does not seem to support that? You need to put the link in the task description? (Though you can use Markdown, which is neat!)

@rob Yes, uses Markdown and the link goes in the task description. It can also go in the comments with the same format.


Check for new posts [MPU Talk](

Shows as:


Ah, comments might work for me.

Unfortunately comments are a Premium/paid feature (I don’t mind paying if I switch, but rather not for testing things out - and I’m not sure I’ll switch; there are so many things I like in RTM).

Does Todoist still offer 3 free months via codes?

You can put the URLs right on the task itself via markdown.

That’s what I noticed, but:

  • using MarkDown is additional work
  • without MarkDown it does not look nice

RTM has a field for 1 URL. Additional URL’s I put in comments, so comments in Todoist might work for me.

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Just paste the URL into the Comments - does not need to be Markdown and now fetches a site preview as well. See image…

No Markdown here - I just pasted full URL.


Is Todoist still thinking of producing that view? There were some Tweeted screenshots quite a while back, if I recall correctly. I was hoping “Foundations” was it – and I suppose maybe “Sections” is maybe a substitute.

Answer my own question.

Doist wrote:
This update also includes under-the-hood updates that make for the fastest, most reliable Todoist yet – and lay the groundwork for more powerful features coming next, like Boards and Upcoming View.

Overall, the update is interesting and tempting. Thanks @timlawson and @bowline for the info and links.


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Looks good!

Preview is nice (RTM does not have that)

My Premium subscription renews - or expires - in a month. Leaning towards keeping it, if only because I’m really happy with the instant 2-way Google Calendar sync. (Unfortunately, it means having to view both my GC and Todoist when planning some things, whereas some apps like TickTick have both GC integration and a calendar view - something not unnoticed by users.)