Major update to Things

imageThere is is significant update to Things.

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I’ve been thoroughly impressed with this app and its development team. Worth every penny.


Yup. Things is definitely the place to go if you don’t require the heft or complexity of Omnifocus. I went from Omnifocus to Things a year back and have felt much better there.

I have been thinking about switching from Todoist to Things 3 since the latest version came out. But I couldn’t justify the cost when my current subscription of Todoist expires in 2020 :frowning:

The big update was the 3.6 update. 3.6.1 is just a nice set of bug fixes.

But I agree it’s a fantastic app. I started using it full time while OmniFocus 3 was in beta so that I could evaluate whether to spend the money on buying the Mac version of Things or on upgrading to OF 3.

I decided to go with Things.

It’s just a better fit for what I want and need my task manager to do, though there are several items on my wishlist:

  • TextExpander support in iOS
  • ability to drag tasks to a Calendar to create an appointment with a link to the task
  • ability to have task names wrap to a second line rather than getting truncated
  • badge setting only for “overdue” items, rather than always including “due” items too
  • dark theme
  • major “Delegated” or “Waiting For” view. You can mimic this with tags, but it seems pretty fundamental to the GTD system that is the basis for all the other default views

This would be solved in a general way if they allowed saved searches/views.

For the moment you can use Keyboard Maestro on macOS (and, possibly, Workflow on iOS) to view all the waiting tasks in Anytime, which is workable for me.

You can also just use the Type-ahead feature to quckly get to the filtered “waiting for” view. (For me, I just need to type “W” and I’m there.)

I just wish it were part of the basic UI.