I use Bunch, and I currently have seven bunches defined. Although I doubt I’m a “power user”. And I’m sure others will comment on some of the more advanced features.
My current set up consists or four monitors and ten spaces and I use Bunch, along with other tools and settings, to set up applications, folders, and files across these monitors and spaces.
One of my hobbies is photography and I have two bunches related to that. One for image
ingestion and another for processing.
Here is my Photo Ingest Bunch:
title: 📸 Photo Ingest
# This is my photo ingesting context
# Switch to Space 9
# Open Image Folders
- /Volumes/Images/ Originals
- /Volumes/Workflow/DNGs
- /Volumes/FireCuda 2T/Camera Card
- /Volumes/FireCuda 2T/PM Ingested Images
# Apps to launch
Adobe DNG Converter
Image Capture
* tell application "Moom" to arrange windows according to snapshot "Image Ingest" ~5
Photo Mechanic Plus ~7
{^9} ~20
Here‘s what is going on:
- The first thing that happens is {^9} switches to Space 9.
- Then four folders open that I use to move images through my workflow.
- Then two apps open in Space 9.
- Then AppleScript is used to call Moom, which arranges everything in Space 9, there is a delay of 5 seconds (~5) to make sure everything has opened.
- Then after another delay Photo Mechanic Plus opens. I have Photo Mechanic Plus assigned to Space 1, so it opens there.
- It takes awhile for Photo Mechanic Plus to fully launch, so I wait 20 seconds and then switch back to Space 9 to start the process of copying the images form my camera.
I needed to experiment with the order things happen and the delays added to get everything to open in the correct space. But now it works for me.
I’m also learning SQL, and I have a Bunch that launches SQL tools and online references and tutorials. I like that I can easily change the items that open by simply editing a text file. For example, once a tutorial is completed I can replace it with a new URL (or comment the line if I want to save the reference).
There is extensive documentation and the developer, Brett Terpstra, is active in the Forums and has quickly responded to any questions I have had.
I find Bunch a useful tool for how I use my Mac. And look forward to seeing how others are using it.