Meeting Workflow

Yes. I think you would need to be a Premium subscriber for Drafts 5 to edit the action step.

If other Evernote actions are working it should just be a case of having the right notebook name in Evernote.

I tried it with “. Working” and it worked just fine (see below). Maybe double check your spelling and character case for the notebook?


Got it to working finally without editing the action step.

Very strange behavior on my side.

Creating the Evernote notebook via (iOS) and then running the action script would not work.

Creating the Evernote notebook via MacOS first and then running the action script worked.

All spelling and character spacing was the same.

Glitch in the matrix.

Thank you @sylumer @RosemaryOrchard @jayelevy for all your help and my endless questions!

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Glad you got it working. It sounds like it must have been a notebook name matching issue. I created the notebook via iOS on Evernote so I wouldn’t think it was an issue with the client app maybe autocorrect being overzealous?

Super! Glad you were able to get it working. Enjoy! — jay

I found the calendar selection for today only a little limiting when prepping for meetings coming up, so I duplicated it and made the calendar look at next 7 days. A very simple tweak and even more power from this Workflow!

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That’s a great example of why this is both fun and powerful… with little effort you can take what someone else has created and tweak it to make it your own.


For those of you who use Outlook on your Mac, this is a simple Alfred Workflow to mimic the iOS workflow described above. After installing the workflow, simply select the meeting of interest on your Outlook calendar and then launch Alfred with the ‘no’ keyword (Note from Outlook).

The only additional setup required is to update the Arg and Vars step (yellow box) in the Alfred Workflow with the Evernote notebook you want to use. – jay


Love your workflow! It would be very useful at work. However, I’m using bear and OmniFocus.

I have already adapted the end of the drafts action to create a bear note. But I have a hard time wrapping my head around how to process and create action items and putting them into my OmniFocus inbox…

It’s my first try at scripting drafts actions, I want to learn but don’t know how to start…

Anybody have any ideas?

I am not conversant in OmniFocus scripting, however you may be able to use the logic within this Action to adapt for OmniFocus.

Replace this logic:

// add action item to Reminders
let list = ReminderList.findOrCreate(reminderList);
let reminder = list.createReminder();
reminder.title = "Meeting: " + cleanToDo;
reminder.notes = reminderNote;

with the relevant portion from the OmniFocus action

— jay

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I’ll begin there! Thanks!!