MindNode switches to a subscription business model

I hope the economics work out for the company. Guessing the gambit is that having something like a third of the users, but having them on subscription, drives more revenue than the current one time purchase model.

It seems like subscriptions don’t work out for the users more often than not. Drafts.app is definitely worth it. It seems like there’s always a new version with new features. Text Expander is the same as it was 3 years ago. Ulysses is a mixed bag.

Some app categories seem easier to innovate than others. Is mind mapping one of those? Is an investment of 20 dollars per year going to pay off in the long term with an amazing feature set? Or is it just an access fee to an app with mostly incremental changes? Changing icons. Auto-dark mode. More themes.

I like the app a lot. But I don’t know if future development is a safe bet like Drafts, or a house-always-wins bet, like with text expander.

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The “bet” definitely depends on your personal wishes in what direction we should take the product.

I can only say that I’m happy how MindNode has progressed in the last few years. We might not be the fastest to add features, but I like to think that we always find a fresh new take how a feature should work. At least this is what keeps my motivation up after more than twelve years working on only this single app.

So I’m confident that we will continue to find the right balance between enhancements and new features in the future to keep the app fresh and interesting for our customers.


I’ll be watching. I really like the app and I’m sad to lose it.

Also, it’s really great that you are out in the community to discuss it. I can’t recall another developer doing that. I think that makes a difference for people.


Agreed. Definitely refreshing to see @MarkusMS check in here! :clap:


Long lives he Setapp subscription :star_struck:

@MarkusMS MindNode is one of the very few apps that I am happy to pay a subscription for. It is that good in my opinion.


@Bmosbacker how did it go with the nuke and pave? how many apps are you currently using?
I’m also dropping DevonThink (and others), and going back to a folder. And finally, using Calendar as my main work area.

The Nuke and Pave went perfectly. I’m glad I did it though a pain. Here are the apps I’ve re-installed.

1Password 7
Alfred 4
CleanMyMac X
DEVONthink 3
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Word
PDF Expert
QuickTime Player


Putting it in perspective…

I created a database to track all of my recurring expenses - each year I look at it and decide what to cancel or reduce. Despite paying subscriptions fees for 12 software items, the total was only about 1% of my ongoing fees.

My total was dominated by health insurance (54%) other insurance (auto, homeowners etc @ 26%), then a mix of my mobile phone plan, Internet access, TV streaming, ski passes and a handful of other one-offs. Doing this really helped me understand where my $$$ go. I excluded mortgage and and tax expenses.

Again, ALL of my S/W subscriptions were only 1%. Given how much time I spend using my iPad and computer, life is too short to focus on cutting the 1%.

Although Insurance is about 80% of my recurring costs, I never (luckily) have had the need to use it. Go figure…


cool! very minimal,
seems like that must feel like a relief from juggling with too many apps.

Yes, I prefer to have as few apps as possible while making sure I have the best tools for the jobs I have to complete. I may need Phillips, Flat Head, and Hex head screwdrivers but I probably don’t need three of each. Likewise, I need a good note taking app but I don’t need three of them to get the job done. The fewer apps I need to juggle, the more efficient I am provided I’m not trying to use the wrong or inefficient tool for the job. Too few tools is a problem as is too many. :slight_smile:


@Bermuda I think this is a great exercise to go through and I have been using Notion to consolidate all these items moving it over from Excel.

With the possible many cash drains from yourself, business, spouse and/or dependents all these trickles can lead to a big cash drain or how you have found out new ways to view the big picture data.

Armed with this data, One can approach the suppliers of services and as for some discounts especially if you can consolidate with fewer suppliers.

Since COVID-19 I went to a truly Nomad lifestyle and truly am mobile where I cut the Internet cord and just do mobile Internet and link to my computers via hotspot to my phone. That cut a substantial Internet bill to $0.

I would recommend people do this analysis on a yearly basis and readjust their course accordingly.

I have begun buying all my software and as much as possible software services on Black Friday and Cyber Monday which yields substantial cost savings as everyone offers tons of deals only available at this time.

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I wanted to give you a quick update that our first subscription only feature will be Outlining in MindNode. You can find our announcement here: https://mindnode.com/post/outlining-and-mind-mapping-side-by-side

As this is a major feature that needs to play nicely with the mind map, we are also doing a public beta this time. You can find more information in the blog post I linked above. I hope you like what we are doing and I’m looking forward to you feedback! :slight_smile:


FINALLY!!! Thank you for the update. I alway use the Quick Entry because I find it easier to write in outline than starting with an actual mind map.

Unfortunately, I’m using a Setapp version so won’t be able to apply for beta. I still have my free Mindnode 7 on iOS but if I do decide to cut down my Setapp, Mindnode will be added to my list of subscription.