Mx biggest wish for iOS …

… is just a small thing, but would make life so much easier: I just want a little paste button on the iPhone keyboard like the iPad has it. I paste so often and trying to evoke that little context menu is so annoying. I had to paste a link between brackets today and it is nearly impossible to touch that little space between them. It would be so easy to find a little space for a little paste button. :sob:


I agree that would be a big improvement. It’s annoying when you keep tapping to try to paste and it either moves the cursor or selects text instead of showing the popup menu.

I really like the paste buttons on the keyboard toolbars of apps like Obsidian and Drafts.


some terminal apps have an extra row they insert above the stock keyboard that has buttons that can be pushed, or swiped in four (diagonal) directions to provide ~50 extra buttons (mostly punctuation). I’d love it if the iOS keyboard could have some functionality like that. One button could be clipboard stuff.

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Agreed. In case you haven’t discovered, a three finger tap brings up a menu including paste. I don’t think it’s any more convenient (especially not one handed) but that might be helpful for someone.


Wow, I never knew! It’s at least helpful for the occasions where you need to place something at a certain position.