My Desktop files have been hidden by some gremlin

My desktop is local. At some point yesterday something caused all the files on the desktop to become hidden. I have a couple of folders there for hazel processing so this is a bit of a nuisance. I’ve run terminal to show hidden files, but that isn’t really a solution. Is there any way of making a hidden file unhidden permanently. Surely there’s some sort of flag?

Press press Command-Shift-period (all at the same time)

This will hide files and unhide them

Have you tried restarting? There is a flag but I would think you’d know if it was set:

defaults write CreateDesktop true
killall Finder

Restarting Finder, as in the second line, would have the same effect as restarting macOS if there’s some other bug.

Yes, but that isn’t what I want to do. More convenient than the terminal maybe, but if a file has been made hidden by some sort of OS bug I want to be able to make it unhidden without unhiding every other hidden file. Haven’t found a way to do that, which is quite bizarre.

If you have not done so already, ake a look at Settings > Desktop & Dock: Desktop & Stage Manager and make sure the “On Desktop” checkbox is checked:

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