I usually keep my dock hidden but unhid it for this screenshot.
Try to keep things pretty minimal. Bartender 3 really helps with my massively cluttered Menubar.
On the Dock:
Standards then:
Boostnote which I don’t really use which is a markdown note app,
Chrome still is the best browser for web developers with Firefox a close second. Apple really doesn’t care about web developers just web consumers. It’s a shame but the App Store is their core business strategy when it comes to apps.
Day One
VSCode - I write all my blog posts and code in this thing. It really is an IDE in a text editor skin. So powerful and free from Microsoft.
Hyper.js which is a shell built on Electron.
Franz is another Electron app that aggregates all my chat services.
ImageOptim to optimize images quite easily. I could use the terminal but I usually just drag an image on this to convert it. For more batch processing I use the terminal. I also don’t really use it all that much because I host all my blog images on Cloudinary.
Dash which I usually don’t have there.
My 4k Monitor Screen: