Native textexpander support for iOS mind map application?

I spent some time this morning trying to find an iOS mind mapping app which has native textexpander support, failed so far. Searched the archives here as well but nothing popped up. Any ideas?

(Driven by a change in work conditions to Mac mini + IPad Pro).

If an app does not have native support for TextExpander, then you could consider using the TextExpander custom keyboard. Works pretty well with the on-screen iOS keyboard – but not so well with external keyboards in my experience. (Might just be my own keyboard.)

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Thanks and yes it is what I’m forced to use now for all the various mind map apps I’m on - Mind manager, iThoughts, XMind etc. However, I’m nowhere near as fast a glass typist as I’m on a Smart Keyboard or on a Brydge. If any one can tell me how to get an external keyboard to communicate with a soft one I’m all ears.

There are no mind map apps on Smile’s list of TextExpander-enhanced apps.

Earlier versions of iThoughts had native support for TextExpander, but that was removed when custom keyboards were introduced in iOS 8.

Smile also says that the TextExpander custom keyboard does not work with Bluetooth keyboards.

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Ok, thanks for digging. Good list. Yes, iThoughtsHD had the support but it was dropped as you say. I really hope that someone could put it in now, I’ll check feature request pages as next step.

It’s worth noting that the “TextExpander-Enhanced Apps for iOS” page is out of date. For example, it lists OmniFocus 2 for iPhone (which hasn’t been available for quite so time) and is missing some apps, including Ulysses.