Need a bit of help with a "Calendar duplicates" workflow

Ok, so I’m trying to create a workflow that searches two specific calendars, Facebook Birthdays and the iOS Birthdays calendar, and if duplicates are found they’re removed in the iOS Birthdays calendar.
But I’ve run into a bit of trouble concerning how to proceed.

So far I’ve come up with this:

  1. Find Calendar events where
  • Start date is within the next 7 days
  • All of the following are true
  • Calendar is Facebook Birthdays
  • Title contains birthday
  1. Get details of calendar events: Get Title

  2. Set variable: FB birthday

  3. Find calendar events where

  • Start date is within the next 7 days
  • All of the following are true
  • Calendar is Birthdays
  • Title contains birthday
  1. Get details of calendar events: Get Title

  2. Set variable: Birthdays

From here I’ve tried the Get Var into an IF to compare the data of the two variables, but I can’t really get the workflow to … well, work :thinking:

I’m wondering if I should maybe use a dictionary, but I don’t really know how to operate those in a workflow, so I’m hoping that someone in here could maybe point me in the somewhat right direction - I don’t mind to work out the last pieces of the puzzle myself (I’ve got to learn sometime :slightly_smiling_face:)

What I would do, is put a repeat with each after the Birthday’s calendar, and do an if like this: PNG%20image-21D95AC9C6BA-1

Essentially you’re using inverse logic, if FB Birthdays contains this particular birthday calendar event, then delete it. I should note that this is untested of course :wink:

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Hmm… :thinking: I never even considered this :smiley:

I’ll try it right away :slight_smile:

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Not quite there yet, but progress is slowly coming along, so thank you for pointing the way @RosemaryOrchard :pray: :smiley:

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