Need help with trying to get icalbuddy to start with the 'right' day for import to Obsidian


I am using a combination of icalbuddy, the templater plugin, the periodic notes plugin and the Kanban board plugin to create a visually pleasing weekly note with all my calendar events (I’ll get to the tasks another day…).

it’s all working fine with this command:

/usr/local/bin/icalBuddy -sd -ps “/: /” -b "- [ ] " -ss “” -po “datetime, title” -eep “url,attendees,notes” -ec “Found in Natural Language” eventsFrom:today to:today

and repeating this command for each day (=each kanban list) by changing

eventsFrom:today to:today


eventsFrom:tomorrow to:tomorrow (or today+2, today+3, etc)

This means, however, that I HAVE to run the template on Mondays, or all the days and dates are out…so, is there a way to tell icalbuddy something like ‘the closest Monday to today’? I could then run it on a Sunday or a Tuesday and would still get the right week. Is that possible?

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