Netflix Shows Not Keeping Track of Episode Progress in tvOS 12

Ever since the tvOS 12 beta Netflix has been losing track of my progress with a show. For instance, tonight I’ll start episode 1 and end on episode 3. Tomorrow when I turn on the same Apple TV Netflix thinks I’m on episode 1 again with no red progress bar on other episodes.

I assumed this was a beta problem to be resolved once tvOS 12 was official, but the issue persists. Am I alone?

I’m seeing it, also.

Add me to that list too.

Interesting, glad I’m not the only one. Hopefully an update with the Netflix app soon. I’ll submit feedback.

@Wolfie I totally hear you. My wife really wants us to stay on the up and up so I abandoned my pirated copies of movies long ago. I do believe Netflix has some of the best content, but their refusal to go into and strange UI choices has been really frustrating. Frankly I miss the 3rd gen Apple TV interface for Netflix.

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This is NOT a new problem with tvOS 12. I have been suffering with this nuisance for quite a while. Can’t say if it started with 11 or 10…

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To close the loop, this did resolve itself following a Netflix update after tvOS 12 launched. Now if they could just fix their UI which seems to be getting worse, not better.

That’s been happening to me but I found that it’s keeping track on one of the other accounts