New Overcast app

The Overcast redesign is out

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Chapters are now hidden behind the Info button. Additionally, you need to open each playlist to see how many episodes are there. For me, the app now requires more taps to access the information that was previously easier to access.


Finally I can have all of my podcasts in one Playlist. The bit I can’t work out is how to have the High Priority, Normal, and Low Priority sections each sorted by date rather than all of the episodes of a certain podcast one after the other.

I suspect that something is wrong with the ordering

Chapters are under the icon left of the timeline rather than being 2 swipes away.

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It’ll be interesting to see the feedback now that it doesn’t allow streaming. Those with smaller capacity phones won’t like that.

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Couldn’t you do that before? I’m pretty sure I have an All playlist that has everything in it.

Edit— you mean the All Podcasts option that’s there now if you create a new playlist? That is nice to have.

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No, with only 2 priority levels in the past, I was constantly having to manage my playlists by adding podcasts from another playlist to my main playlist to top it up without flooding the main one.

In theory, with 3 priority levels I should be able to have all of my Podcasts in one playlists and it should manage itself now.

What I want is to grade each of my podcasts as High priority, normal, or low priority

And then within each of those levels (High, Normal, and Low), all of the podcasts are sorted by date.

So If I played all of my podcast playlist from the top, my oldest High priority Podcast would play first, then each newer one until all of the High priority podcasts are completed. Then it would play the oldest Normal Podcast, through to newest Normal Podcast, then it would play the oldest Low Priority podcast through to the newest Low Priority Podcast.

Unfortunately I can’t to get that ordering.

In Theory, this should do that.

So near and yet so far

It’s been super buggy for me.

Marking a podcast as played does not remove it from the Queue playlist or from the list of current episodes for specific podcasts like it did in the previous version. I’m also having the newest podcast listed tens or hundreds of times when I click on the Latest Episodes playlist. Also a lot of lagging when moving into different playlists. I’m sure ti will all be worked out soon.

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The update is not available for me yet so I can’t check, but is having Priority Mode set to Grouped the issue? Presumably you are thinking that this would group by priority, but maybe it groups by podcast. What are the other options there?

There’s a new feature that I’ve been looking for - the ability to stop after the current chapter when using the sleep timer.

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Speaking of the sleep timer, where is it?

This suggests not, but i’ve tried it both ways and it doesn’t seem to matter

Under the left hand icon at the bottom of the screen with the little waveform in it

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Well, that is disappointing. I want the same behavior as you.

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I suspect it’s broken. I can continue to work my old way until it’s fixed.

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I too have found it buggy. This seems like a beta 1 product, not general availability.

That said, I credit Marco with quick action staying on top of bugs and customer service. He already has a bug-fix beta

As I recall, he’s a coffee connoisseur and I hope he has plenty of the good stuff.

Did Overcast introduce Ads for Premium subscribers

I noticed this too. It seems like maybe the upgrade toggled the switch in the member settings to show ads. You’ll have to go in and toggle it off if you want to hide them.


From Marco on Mastadon:

Overcast day-0 workarounds

The sync issue has also been fixed:

Sync fix

Hope this helps

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