New Updates From Craft

For those who are not currently using Craft but have considered it, I thought you might be interested in the latest updates. Two of the most significant improvements are tables and improvements in links.

2.0.3 - Craft update - Star your Year with Craft :star:

Happy 2022! :tada: We’re kicking off this year by launching some of the most requested feature updates you’ve asked for over the past 12 months.

In this release, we are introducing the ability tostar your document from inside it, and not just the All Documents section. We’re introducing backlink ordering options and a quick expand option, along with the ability to set the first day of the week in the Calendar. We’re also removing the limitation of the maximum height of tables.

There’s lot’s more,so make sure you check out all the details below!:point_down:

What’s New

  1. Staring within a document

Since we introduced the ability to star your favorite documents, we’ve heard you’d love to do this easily within the document itself. The wait for this is over. With this update, you can now star your document, quickly! Once again, many thanks for all your feedback! :raised_hands:

Staring got much easier :star:

Please note that staring a subpage in your document is still not possible.

  1. Backlink improvements

Backlinks are a powerful way to organize your thoughts and your documents, and with this release, they just got better! You can now order the links pointing to your document alphabetically and also based on the number of links. Also, there’s a new quick way to expand or collapse the details of your links!

  1. Sketch update

An extra tweak we’ve made is that after hitting “Done” on your brand new drawing, the app no longer asks you if you want to keep or discard it. So no more accidentally deleting your precious drawings!

  1. Set the first day of the week in the Calendar

Another popular piece of feedback was about the lack of control for choosing the starting day of the week on the Calendar tab. From now on, you can set this easily on the Calendar tab.

Set any day of the week as your starting one!

  1. Large Tables improvements

We also heard many times that tables with a fixed maximum size are not optimal for quickly viewing large tables because of the internal scrollbar. So we removed it!

Previously (left) large tables had an internal scroll. Now (right) we removed it.

  1. Back Navigation on iPhone

On your iPhone, you can open the Quick Open component either with “pull-down” or with a two-finger tap. From now on, selecting All Documents or Starred will get you back directly to these folders and won’t add them as extra elements as your navigation stack - a small but much-requested change.

  1. Craft X - Things extension fix

We first introduced Craft X with the v2.0 release as a Developer Preview on Mac and on the Web App. Craft X is a set of tools enabling anyone, anywhere to extend the capabilities of Craft, fitting it seamlessly in their workflows. Craft X is a natural progression of Craft Connect, which we introduced late last year. You can discover more here.

Previously, Things extension only copied the title of the document, but if you download the latest version, it will work correctly.

You can send your content with a single click to many apps.

  1. Even more improvements

Besides all these changes, we made many smaller ones too. Here are the most significant ones:

• Improving Document Stats for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean-language documents.

• If the first word has additional styles (e.g., bold), the style is applied to wording that is added before it on the line.

• Fixed a bug where typing stops if you switch between windows on macOS Monterey.

• Fixed a bug where updating a Sketch inside a list would automatically deintent it from the list.

• Fixed a bug where the Live Text button wasn’t working on iOS 15.2 iPhones.

• Fixed a bug where Shift + Returndoesn’t work before the first character.

• Many more smaller fixes!

  1. Web App Updates - Editing updates

You can find below the most important updates from the last couple of weeks regarding the Web app. If you don’t have access to it, just sign up here:

The Team was working hard to introduce alarger update under the hood around editing. That means your editing experience should be considerable better:

• Spellcheck should work as expected

• Fixed diacritics (á, ã, â) issues

• Using the Web app in Chinese should work well.