NFC Tags help//

Yes, you can trigger anything a Siri Shortcut can do, which would include setting Do Not Disturb.

Ok, so I bought some nfc tags. I want to use one in my car when I put my phone in it’s holder it will open podcasts and I can listen to it. Question is how do I program the nfc tag?

First, create your shortcut in the Shortcuts app (opening Podcasts.) Then, in the Automation tab of the Shortcuts app, hit the + in the upper right to create a new personal automation. Tap NFC for the type, then Scan to scan your tag and associate it with the automation.

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Thanks I will do that. I thought there was some special app I needed to program them.

Sorry, there’s that, too. I use this app to write URLs to them.

That lets anyone come up and scan the tag and see the URL or text you wrote to the tag. Writing to the tag wouldn’t change your automation, though, as the NFC-triggered automation triggers based on the tag’s ID and not the value written to it.

Do you need to program them?

Launch Center Pro did/does use specially formatted NFC tags that they’ll happily sell you. But with Shortcuts I’ve not needed to program an NFC tag to use it as a trigger.