Nice widgets for tasks (including due dates)?

Hi there.

I am looking for a Reminders Widget which not only shows the reminders (as the Apple Reminder widges do) but also the due dates. Is there somethning out there? I have seem GoodTasks, but 40 Euro is a little bit to much for that…

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If you don’t mind a little JavaScript, Scriptable is a good solution. I have a Scriptable widget that I’ve been using for years to show my reminder list. While mine doesn’t display due date, it would be an easy field to add. Here’s my widget code. Glad to answer any questions.

This displays any reminder on my “Projects” list due today or before or a reminder with no due date.

const rowFont = new Font('Menlo-Regular',10)
const rowTextColor = Color.white()

const titleFont = new Font('Menlo-Regular',10)
const titleColor =

const today = new Date()

let w = new ListWidget()  
    w.backgroundColor =

await displayReminders(w)


// ===================================================

async function displayReminders(w) {
  let rtitle = w.addText("Projects")  
      rtitle.font = titleFont
      rtitle.textColor = titleColor
  let beginning = new Date(2000,01,01)  
  let dueReminders = await Reminder.incompleteDueBetween(beginning,today)
  if (dueReminders.length == 0) {
    let r = w.addText("<none>")
        r.font = rowFont
        r.textColor = rowTextColor
   else {      
    for (reminder of dueReminders) {
      if (reminder.calendar == "Projects") {
     	 let r = w.addText(reminder.title)    
          r.font = rowFont
          r.textColor = rowTextColor  
  let allReminders = await Reminder.all()
  for (reminder of allReminders) {
    if (!reminder.dueDate && !reminder.isCompleted && (reminder.calendar.title == "Projects")) {
      let r = w.addText(reminder.title)    
          r.font = rowFont
          r.textColor = rowTextColor  

  return w


Sorry for not being clear. This is on macOS - not iOS. And I think scriptable is only for iOS.

Nice. I will keep this in mind. But I have an irrational aversion to JavaScript - maybe this is the time to overcome it?

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I just saw that the free version of Fantastical (when not adding any calendars, only Reminders) is doing what I am looking for. Nice.