Nodebook Diagraming Application for Academics

Here is an interesting application for R&D, concept drawing and knowledge management. It also supports LaTeX as well and a nice reference citation template for books & papers

Doing research usually means keeping track of multiple things at the same time, in various different formats and from different sources. As I always liked drawing on whiteboard to get a good overview of things and help me distill thoughts in my head, I thought about creating a digital version of it.

Nodebook was made to make it possible to add everything and anything into it - links, notes, files, meta-data, LaTeX,… and to organize it in a highly visual way, by creating completely customizable graphs. You have infinite canvas at your disposal, so your mind is completely free to wander, add many things and “connect the dots”.

Nodebook also supports collaboration: creating teams and managing permissions, comments, mentions, privacy settings. There’re also highly advanced features like graph-based search, versioning and comparison.

There’s also a social aspect, where you see what other people are working on and what other interesting stuff they found along the way.

The above from one of the developers on the Product hunt page
Nodebook on Product Hunt

The application is lacking any documentation that I could find but can be easily figured out.

The website is

I know there are a few academics in the community that may be interested in giving it a look.

Interesting. Looks like a web-based (?) Tinderbox.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the heads up

Looks interesting at first blush. But Something seems not right - the site is over 2 years old, there are no screenshots on the intro page showing what it actually does, and you need to sign in with social media to see what the app actually does. Is this real or some sort of spam/malware?

Well I see nothing sinister here. On the contrary, it is more like Homer Simpson creating an app. I was able to get on with only an email register. So here is a screen capture of a complex Category Theory math diagram but when I tried to click on the button to donate to the academic developers this simple paysite is not working Doh!

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It worries me that the Roadmap shows “Node Next” planned release in Spring/Summer 2019. Last blog post March 2019. I’m leary of investing time & effort into something that doesn’t appear to be in active developement. Very interesting looking tool though.