Thank you for sharing your setup. I don’t like subscriptions either. I’m not completely against it… if it is a reasonable price or if the app offers functionality I really need on a daily basis then I’m ok with that.
I had my Macbook Pro 2011 for 9 years when I upgraded to the new M1 MBA. The old Macbook was cluttered with stuff, so I decided to take a more Apple centric approach and keep using as many Apple apps as possible.
I’m using Safari because IMHO it is the best browser on Mac. My backup is Firefox.
Pages, Numbers, Keynotes are much better than anything else for my use-case. Apple Photos, Apple Calendar are great and they are all I need in this area.
Notes taking:
I already had a subscription, so I’m using it for now. I’m about to decide if I cancel it this October and just use Notes. What I like about Bear is that it’s so fast. When I pull my iPhone out and have to get a note written down asap it is so much faster than Notes.
Craft: Teaching 12-15 year old kids is… interesting. They all have a smartphone but they don’t use email at all. During the pandemic I was forced to teach online for some weeks and after that there was always one of them in quarantine. So I had to find a way to send them work sheets in the easiest way possible. Craft did this for me. You can note down everything you want, add work sheets, add photos of the blackboard and send them a link through a messenger. They don’t have to register, they don’t need to do anything, they can see your note like a website and they even can add comments in every part of the note.
What makes it better than any other solution is that it’s just viewable for people who have the link. So I don’t have to think about copyright or anything.
Mail and Tasks:
I was using Apple Mail till now but I find it lacking. I mean, it’s great and all but finding certain archived emails is rather hard. I’m more and more using Postbox on my Windows PC for stuff like this and I want the same functionality on my Mac.
I’ve found Mailmate. It is so much better in so many ways. is like a beautiful sports car. And Mailmate is like a hotrod. It looks like an old timer on the outside but it is so powerful. I’ve tried to get ahold of my mails in so many apps. I even tried to delete old archived mails I don’t need anymore on the iPhone and the Mac But with mailmate I just created a smart mailbox that filtered any mails with a pdf and was able to delete more than 1000 mails within a week. And it makes fun.
For Tasks I’m using Things 3 and it’s great but I don’t know if I would just stick to Reminders if there is an upgrade I have to pay for Things.
I also use PDF Expert, Scrivener, Scapple and Zoom for work.
At last I have two productivity apps I tend to forget because they work so flawless in the background and integrate into the system that I don’t realize that they are even there silently working for me till I need their interface again:
Hazel and Keyboard Maestro.
Hazel is automatically archiving my daily and weekly plans for school, creating new ones, renames them with the right number. It sorts downloaded pics into fitting folders, archives my receipts and all. It works in the background and keeps my system clean and helps me so much with tedious stuff I spend hours before.
KM is by far the best investment I’ve made ever. If you would say I could just have one 3rd party app, it would be KM. I have it for some months now and I’m still trying to comprehend its possibilities. But it is priceless. You can create any possible macro with it. Shift-Command-Delete empties the trash bin for me, Shift-Command-M shows me several folders to move files there. And so on.
For data privacy and ad blocking I’m using Adguard. It is crazy how many adds are blocked. I didn’t notice till now but after using the trial I just couldn’t go back to live without an adblocker.