Obsidian mobile is officially released

I changed from indexing to importing all of my research into DEVONthink. Then, once a month, I export my research into an archive folder in Finder, which is accessible via an Obsidian vault. This creates duplication but I delete the older archive files so it is not a substantial hit on my storage capacity. I find that importing works better for capturing research material and I avoid any syncing issues related to indexing.

I index my Obisdian vault in DevonThink and haven’t had any problems, is that what you’re asking?

Re: VPNs they’ve done some work on this, if your sync isn’t working it’s worth posting in their forum with the name of your VPN provider so they can test it. Might also be worth scanning their forum as there has been some chat the last couple of months about which providers aren’t working.

Yes, with respect to indexing. Maybe I was just having weird issues.

Re: VPN, I was thinking of the other direction – remote access to my home network. It’s apparently a known limitation that Bonjour won’t work over VPN. I recently switched to a WebDAV server, and that seems to be working much better than the other options (including via VPN). Fingers crossed.