Obsidian Pruning

I teach High School and Middle school band. I’ve been using Obsidian and loving it for planning events, lesson plans, managing logistics, etc. I’m debating using it to log notes regarding students and parent contact. In my head I envision a note for each student, and notes for each phone call/conference etc that then link back to the relevant student. I’m curious if there would be an easy way to delete the contact notes along with a student when they graduate. Teaching both HS and MS band, I typically have students for 7 years, so just tossing a folder at the end of each year doesn’t completely solve my problem. I just worry about getting an unmanageable vault at some point.

I am an elementary school principal and use a similar system in DevonThink. I have a group (folder) for each student where I keep notes and documents related to that student. I tag anything in that folder with the graduation year (i.e. GY36 for this year’s kindergarten students). When they leave me at the end of 5th grade, I archive their group.

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In Obsidian you can do a folder for each student (like @jimbo’s groups in DEVONthink), and use the Folder Note community plugin to create a folder note that is the core note for that student. The folder note has the same name as the folder – folder “Gamora” has a note gamora.md inside of it, managed by the Folder Note plugin.

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You can also leave a hint in each student’s note, either a YAML, a tag or other bread trail that helps you find them all later (e.g., 2023 [name].md) if you don’t like folders (personally I’d keep them
In folders though).