Old Magic Keyboard not compatible with new iPad

You are probably right here for reasons that @anon85228692 points out. I love that Apple continues to support old devices for so long but that comes at the cost of backing their newer hardware in a corner. I’m not looking for MacOS to come to iPad but at this stage, really why not? In a vacuum and putting aside the fact that MacOS is no where right for a touch interface, I would argue that the A12x and beyond is more than powerful enough to handle it. Certainly the M1 is. It is getting to a point that Apple may have to divide iPadOS like it did when they made iPadOS it’s own thing and give us some sort of hybrid between iPadOS and MacOS for their pro line of iPads. Other wise, we just continue sitting on a ton of wasted power. I purchased an M1 iPad Pro this year with high hopes for what WWDC will bring. I think it has got to be more than bringing Logic Pro and other high end Mac software to the iPad. I don’t use anything like that in my daily workflow but I do use Windows through Parallels and would love the day it could come to the iPad.

Which one to get the: white or space grey keyboard?

Grey one? It’s the spacegrey magic keyboard? I heard that the white looks less wrought with fingerprints over time than the soacegrey

My dark one still looks fine after one year: hardly any wear and tear … well I haven’t been outside much in the last year anyways. The thing that annoys me the most are brighter marks and fingerprints, which are easily cleaned but it never looks clean. And as those marks are mostly brighter than the space grey material of the magic keyboard I’d imagine those things being less visible on the white one?
At least I am highly tempted to move to the white one for my 2018 iPad Pro. I just have to remember not to use a red cloth with alcohol for cleaning as this supposedly turns it pink :sweat_smile:

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Thanks Jens! I also read on Twitter that the white one doesn’t have visible fingerprints on it. But I’m just not sure how having a white keyboard suits me

I accidentally “Flagged” your message somehow and I’m not sure I rightly unflagged or if that’s even possible. So I apologise

I didn’t see/receive a flagged notice, just your like (thanks :blush:), so everything seems fine I guess :blush:.

The white keyboard extremely reminds me of the „good old days“ with my iBooks and later the white MacBooks and I used to love the white - so I guess I factor in some nostalgia as well :sweat_smile:.

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I just ordered one and a silver iPad Pro so here’s to nostalgia :blush:

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Nice :+1:, congrats - hope you’ll share your impressions here.
I‘m so tempted right now :sweat_smile:

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