Omni Roadmap 2021

Using SwiftUI, we’ve started creating new outline views for OmniPlan and OmniFocus—bringing even more of the power we’ve come to expect from our Mac apps to our iPad and iPhone apps. With these views, you will be able to edit your task outlines in place (rather than constantly shifting between viewing the outline and editing in an inspector), and you will be able to collapse and expand items at any level—all with full keyboard support, making edits as fluid on iPad keyboards as they are today on the Mac.
< Omni Roadmap 2021 - The Omni Group

Sounds like we will finally get a new version of OmniFocus on iPad


I’m excited for those changes to hit OF for iPad.

Overall, seems like an understated roadmap, understandably so, given COVID. The upside is that perhaps gives them room to react to whatever surprises Apple throws their way at this year’s WWDC.

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I’d say, after reading it just now, the iPad version will probably also be the macOS version?

I liked what @kcase wrote very much.

In particular I liked the brief mention of Reminders. Though I don’t have a concrete scenario yet, it seems to me this could be a very fruitful area.

I don’t mind building a bridge with OmniJS but I would hope there could be something more formal.

And, of course, it’s not just the Reminders mention I liked. I wonder how much custom UI code Omni Group have to grudgingly maintain.