Omnifocus 4 release

This morning, before OF 4 was released, OF 3 for Mac was $50 or $100 for Pro, with a free upgrade to OF 4 when it will be released. So it would have paid to buy OF 3 this morning!

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I subscribe for the $99 USD/year to get it on all platforms. Totally worth it.


Totally worth it.

Well… worth it for about a year and a half, unless there’s a paid upgrade every 18 months. Then it’s quite literally not worth it, at least not over the one-time pricing.

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:thinking: Meanwhile, Taskpaper is $24.99.

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You only need a subscription to use OmniFocus for the Web. Licenses include Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch access. You’ll find more information on the OmniFocus Pricing Page.


My apologies, thanks for correcting me! So, a traditional license is for the “pro” version, correct? My apologies for my confusion.


You can get standard or pro with a traditional one-off payment. That’s how I read this anyway.

On the topic of pricing, in case you may be eligible, the Omni Group has education pricing for their apps. My upgrade to the Pro version of OmniFocus 4 with education discount was $44.99.


I deleted my post, to avoid confusing anyone. That is the last thing I would want to do.


To be fair to Omni, the two are not remotely comparable.


You’re comparing apples with orange trees!

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My question is when is collaboration coming. Never came with OmniFocus 3 but was promised. Now we’re on version 4 still not here yet.


That makes sense. Definitely something to think about.

Thanks Tim for the two videos! :+1:

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Yeah, the upgrade is fair enough considering the pricing includes the mobile app, if I’m correct. But it seems that if you licensed OF via the Apple Store and not directly through Omni the procedure is somewhat obscure or it just doesn’t work.

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 06.43.02

I cannot figure out what this mysterious “Check Discounts (Upgradeable App Names)” is, but clicking “Verify Discount” and selecting the existing Apple Store licensed OF3 app package does not work.

Some people solved it by registering OF3 license on the Omni account (I don’t remember, maybe you can do it inside OF3 on Mac)

Thanks! That did the trick! I think this is a OF4 bug, though the culprit here is the crazy in-app licensing model from Apple: why can’t that discount be offered directly through the App Store in a way that doesn’t make Omni go through these hoops and loops to avoid financial loss?


Uh, I love Omni so much that I bit the bullet. I clearly don’t have @Bmosbacker ’s temperance here.

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You are right, it makes no sense the current App Store licensing model.

I’m curious to see what Cultured Code will do with Things 4… A discounted price at launch (for everyone) will displease existing customers

I definitely emphathise, especially as I have to pay in South Pacific pesos, and it’s not like there aren’t lots of other claims on the dollars (or pesos).

On the other hand, on checking, I see I licensed OF 3 in December 2018 so it’s a bit hard to say I am being gouged if I upgrade. Past performance is of course no guarantee as to future performance but Omnigroup doesn’t seem to churn out new paid upgrades of its products at a high rate of knots.

That said, I am umm-ing and aah-ing too.

For ‘comparison’, Flexibits wants me to pay AUD 96 per year for Fantastical - about USD 66 (although that does include Cardhop too). And I am struggling with that even more since I have to pay for a Microsoft 365 licence and, whatever I else I may feel about Outlook, it does have a nice and functional “Join” button to click and login to Zoom and Teams meetings.

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