Omnifocus and Stream Deck

I have started to dig deeper into Omnifocus automation and using callback URLs, which brought me to re-designing my Omnifocus profile on the Stream Deck.

Up until now, I had an auto-switching Omnifocus profile based on mapped keyboard shortcuts and some defined Keyboard Maestro macros and “keys” and MacStories perspective icons. Very helpful whilst in Omnifocus as it allows for quick navigation within the application and doing a rapid review.

Whilst there are many (commercial) profiles for photo/video/streaming apps around, there are not many online examples of what people have done using Omnifocus, both from a script/code/macro as well as from an icon perspective.

I did find @joebuhlig’s helpful blog posts that gave me some initial direction.

I am anxious to check out the community as to what they have done with Omnifocus on Stream Deck and also how you have Omnifocus integrated into wider workflows.