Option key tricks

I consider myself a keyboard tricks master, but Matt Birchler’s new video on option key shortcuts still taught me some neat little things. So I thought I’d share:

I also liked this trick from the comments that I’d somehow never thought to do, since I rarely need special characters:

Normally opt-[key] would type out special characters like ç. I don’t really need those, so I created a custom Mac input option that clears out all default opt-[key] shortcuts so I can remap them in Raycast. For example, opt-N opens up my notes. It’s really convenient to not think about which combination of finger gymnastics is still unoccupied and instead just use opt for all my shortcuts.


Now that we are talking about single key tricks, here a couple of custom ones I’ve set up which I find invaluable:

Left ⌃: mouse click
Right ⌘: ⌘␣ (brings up launcher, Raycast)
Right ⌥: ⌘⇥ (to quickly switch between the last 2 used apps)

I used BetterTouchTool to set these up.

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